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Okay, I dont have the wifi or time to continue this story...so. Does someone else want too? Heres the thing.

Got to continue the prompt I write,

Paragraphs= Indents

Grammer ( I know I dont have the best)

Tag me in the beginning of story


     The Skeleton walked down the road, looking out for himself. Every since his love died- no..went missing ,  he fell into despair. He began to drink more, and didn't come home for days. What was he to do? his girl, his Doll, his (Y/N). He didn't know what to do with himself. Walking down more, he heard a crash, along with a woman's voice. HIs eye sockets widen- it sounded like her. (y/). Running towards the crash his came to....


Monster like themTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang