His day

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       He woke up to hear his brother snoring away.
      "Must be really early if he's not up" he said to himself quietly. He turned to his clock on the table beside him.
         Geez,  he thought. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

         Waking up with sunlight shining through the blinds, the skeleton wobbled his way to his drawers, picking out his daily suit.
          Bags hung from his eye sockets, showing his discomfort last night. He yawned as he made his way to the cafeteria. He saw his friends eating, chatting away. He saw the little human girl eating spaghetti for breakfast, and his brother having animated sparkles around him.
            It seemed as if his ever-lasting smile grew, as he took a few steps forward toward them.
            "Hey there kid, Pap, guys..." he said, yawning in the process.
            "Woah, dude, you look terrible. What happen? Did you go late night husseling?" Asked the fish lady.
            "No Undyne, I just kept having crazy dreams last night." He responded, glaring at her.
            "They weren't bad dreams, were they brother?" Asked Pap.
            He shook his head, lying, "Nah Papyrus, just ones that don't make sense."
            His brother nodded, going back to talk to the rest of the group. Every didn't notice the short Skelton make his way out.


               He went back to his room, grabbing his supplies. Guns, grenades, gloves, every nesscesitie for a heist. He made his way to Asgore's office, pulling the door open.
               "Boss, how ya doing?" He asked. Asgore shook his head.
                "I'm still shaken up from yesterday. I was this close to death." He said, pinching his fingers together.
                The monster in his pin-striped suit shook his head this time, "tch tch tch, that's what you get for being in a mafia. Never know when the grim reaper is going to show up."
              Asgore chuckled, "I get it, since your a skeleton your resemble death, right? And you saved me. By the way, thanks for doing so."
              Close, so close, the skeleton thought, breaking the fourth wall, but he played along. "Yep that's me."
               Asgore chuckled once more, then getting serious, " We need to take down another mafia. One that has been a stick in my side."
              "Ok, who are they?" He asked, fixing his cuffs.
              "The (M/N) Mafia"

              The  Monster Mafia layed low, staring at the (M/N) Mafia storage building. The short skeleton looked around, as the others went to go find an entrance unguarded. As he watched, his breathing began to hitch.
               It's her...
             She walked by, her cracks going down her face from the eye sockets. She held a suitcase near her. She had a green pin-striped suit with matching fedora.
             She's beautiful....wait what?!?!
              Snaking himself, he tried to get his priorities straight.
              She's apart of another mafia, yet.....she seems....lost....HOW IS THAT RELEVANT!?!?!!!
              He blushed madly and fell face first into the bushes. He quickly got back up and saw that she was startled. Both of her eyes were green, trailing green smoke. When she saw nothing, her eyes went to a pretty (E/c) color.
              He then heard  a male voice, "(y/N)! Over here!"
              The skeleton girl followed the voice, yelling out, "Zander!" and disappeared.
               Soon came in his friends.
               "Nothing, it's like evey single inch is covered with members of the (m/N) mafia. We might as well go home, cause they have update tech, and Alphys is updating everything. " Said Undyne.
              He nodded, and they went home.
              (Y/N), huh....
              He closed his eyes as he layed in bed, starting to fall asleep.
               Pretty name for a kidnap victim...

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