Battle Plan With Guests

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It took Ferrous and Kinthara a long time to get back to Nelth'arn, his right wing being broken aswell, he used one of the less costly spells to keep it from degenerating, and keeping him grounded for the rest of his life. But once they got away from the gorge, which evened out in one direction, allowing them to walk out, Ferrous called upon the Earth to take them home swiftly.

After the healer finished with the wing and arm he thanked her. As she left a guard came in, informing Ferrous about some Azerothians wishing to speak with him.

"Bring them in."

He brought in three Worgen, a gnome, a draenei, a dwarf, three tauren, and two humans.

"Who exactly are you?"

The male human in robes answered, "Well the beautiful lady and the gnome are with me, I am Reifre a master warlock. The gnome is Joe, a talented mage, we call him Tinyjoe. And this beautiful young lady is Alice Walker, a powerful paladin, but due to her relationship with me, one who deals with demons, she is not part of the order of the Silver Hand."

"I see, and the rest?"


"Calm yourself little man."

"Sorry, long day."

One of the male Worgen stepped forward, "I am Gothe, I am a druid trained by Malfurion Stormrage himself. My friend here is Notredamas, another strong mage, he can kind of predict the future, but hes an asshole so he'll tell it in riddles."

"So does my friend Leo."

The Draenei stepped forward next, "I am Handeror, I am a Death Knight, with great power over frost. The other Worgen is Liciea, she is also a Death Knight, but she has more power over the undead."

"Never liked undead, or the cold. But I like you guys."

The Dwarf introduced himself next, "I am Damilo tha Kingslayer, I'm a Hunter, quite a good one too, can shoot a squirrel between the eyes from over a hundred meters away."


Finally a Tauren stepped forward, but this one reeked of blood, death, and disgusting food, "I am Hrurgar (Silent second R so Hrugar) the Horrible, I am a viking Warrior and one hell of a chef."

One of the other Tauren interrupted, "Not even HELL would want your food you mean."

"Shaddup Heinor. The male here is Heinor, he is wuite the elemental shaman, and apparently he is now a food critic. The lovely female is Auldrura, she is a great druid. The Horde would've sent more aid if it could, but we have just overthrown a tyrant, our military is stretched thin, we are all they could spare."

"Well I told Varian that we didn't need any damn help, but I suppose we could use you, we'll have you outfitted with new weapons and armor, you will start intense training with the Chromatic infantry tomorrow. But for right now we must discuss a battle plan, a month has almost passed, Sargeras will be entering the mortal realm soon, if we have any hope of defeating him and saving perhaps the entire universe, we must be prepared."

So he called for a meeting of the Chromatic Council, and gave the 11 newcomers Sabrewings (Panthers with wings.) And brought them to the great flying city.

Soon Tinyjoe asked, "So this entire city is kept aloft by just technology? How much fuel does it use?"

"Yes, it is just technology, but it doesn't use any fuel, it uses heat energy, which was already easy for us, but time consuming and tiring, so a while ago I found this strange metal, when it heats up it doesn't cool down, so naturally I brought it to the main engine room, blasted it with lava, and left it in the generators."

"I must study this place and bring it to the attention of the Gnomes. WE WILL IMPROVE!"

"I doubt that, the people who designed this thing could see the future, and therefore the future of technology. In other words you don't get more high-tech than this."

"Shit. I wanted to feel smarter than you."

"Here see if you can take this thing apart and put it back together again in under an hour." Ferrous said as he handed Tinyjoe a cube.

They arrived in the meeting room and Ferrous introduced everyone, and Tinyjoe was smiling triumphantly as he took apart and put the cube back together for the fifth time.

They began discussing battle plans, every once in a while the guests would say something funny, helpful, or just stupid. After about three hours it was about midnight, and they decided they should eat, and reconvene in the morning. Hrurgar offered to cook, but Auldrura and Heinor insisted he didn't, but the rest allowed him to cook. He left to the kitchen and brought back sandwiches for everyone.

"Sandwiches? Really?"


"Woah, woah, calm down."

"He takes his cooking very seriously, Onar."

They began eating, and they each enjoyed it. And Heinor commented, "Wow, Hrurgar this sandwich doesn't taste like complete shit. What did you put in it?"

"Oh I'm glad you asked, for the meat I put in some dead rats I found about a month ago, I think they died of rat poison, some 2 month old lettuce, the tomatoes are actually cut up livers and hearts, and the sauce is some rabid wolf blood."

Everyone dropped their jaws and began spitting and barfing the food out.


After that episode, everyone went to their rooms.

For the next three days, they did the same thing, except they refused to have Hrurgar cook anymore, instead Gothe  cooked, being a master of the wok. After the third day they finished the plan, and the month was almost up.

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