A Little Trade

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Ferrous was almost home when Stenx flew to him from the East.

"Ferrous, I need to speak with you, now!"

They both landed on the ground beneath them.

"Alright Stenx, what is it?"

"I got this letter, from one of the natives, it's important you read it too."

Stenx handed the letter to the stone king, as Ferrous read it his face grew grim and angry, for it read-

Dear, Ferrous and Stenx

We have captured your dear Kinthara, if you do not bring Rinakord to us before noon you will never see her again. We are above the Abyssal gorge if you don't reach us in our flying fortress, we will drop her into the gorge, wings bound in iron.

"This isn't good Stenx."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have no choice, I must give them the blood of the gods."

"You've got to be kidding! You've always found a way to protect those you care about without giving anything other than time."

"They have my wife Stenx, I assumed you would understand, seeing how as she IS your half-sister."

"I still don't like it, what if they double-cross us? If they have the sword and kill Kenthara, that will utterly demoralize you and our people."

"If they double-cross us I have a contingency plan."

"Can I hear it?"

"Not until it happens, knowing the demons, they WILL double-cross us."

With a sigh from Stenx, they swiftly took off to the one place on this planet no dragonman dared to go, where science and magic both are bended, where not even Ferrous can contact the Earth, the Abyssal Gorge. There gravity is far more influential than anywhere else.

They arrived to find a floating keep, unlike Ken'aros which uses technology to maintain suspension, this keep used magic, they flew up to find some of the natives, a race they knew of back on Azeroth as Trolls. Unlike the Trolls on Azeroth however, these trolls weren't in tribes, but rather a single civilization, and they where black too. The leader, Zak'ory was the one the two Dragonsons arrived to meet, with Kenthara in his grasp, being held precariously on the ledge of the keep.

"Ahhh, I see ya both came. Did ya bring da sword?"

"Of course I did you bastard."

Ferrous took the sheathe off his back and held it out.

"Hmmph, anyone can fake a sword, even one as unique as da one ya wield. You, guard, take tda weapon and unsheathe it, make sure its da real deal."

The felguard the Troll-king ordered walked over to Ferrous and took the sword. He unsheathed it, and instantly hunched over in the greatest pain it ever could endure, and dropped the sword.

"Good, it be da real thing, now sheathe it and hand it over."

He did as the black troll demanded.

"Now my wife." He said with a stern voice.

"Oh yes of course, I almost forgot. The deals off, say goodbye to your precious lady."

Zak'ory let go of Kenthara, allowing her to fall.

But the instant he let go of her, Ferrous called out,"GET THE SWORD!" and flew straight at the evil troll, knocking him back with his wing, sending him plummeting to his death.

As Ferrous went after Kinthara, Stenx killed the felguard between him and the falling sword.

Ferrous was flying as fast as he could to reach Kinthara, but the strange gravity of the gorge pulled her down almost as fast as he was flying, he tried to talk to the iron binding her, but it was tainted by the demons, providing no response. When he finally caught up to her they were already descending into the gorge, going to fast to change direction. He ripped the bindings off of her wings and mouth.

"FERROUS! I wanted to tell you, this was their plan, to get you to chase after me into the gorge, they believe that not even YOU can survive a fall this great."

"Trust me, they don't know WHAT i can and can't survive."

They began nearing the bottom of the massive gorge, he wrapped Kinthara in his wings and braced for impact. He landed very hard, pushing up dirt for almost 100 feet.

"Ahhh, SHIT my arm. I think it might be broken."

"We can have a healer fix it when we get home, but right now I'm worried about Stenx, where's my brother?"

"He went for Rinakord, when I crashed into that Troll bastard, I saw the sword fly past the edge of the gorge."

"And that Troll son of a bitch?"

"I don't know where he lan-"

A loud splat and a severed arm smacking him in the thigh answered her question.

"Gross. How did you get captured in the first place?"

"I went out searching for the portal, I came here because I remembered that the gorge was the only place we could not speak with or observe from afar, and no one dares brave these parts. When I got within a mile they detected me, sensing I was powerful and a valuable hostage, the sent Archimonde himself."

"Damn we must be making a good impression. But seriously don't do that again, we now know where the portal is located, if they move anywhere else they will be easily detected, they have no where to hide now. Lets head home, Stenx will meet us there."

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