Allow Me to Explain

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"As for what we are, we are the Dragonmen, a race from a far off planet of Azeroth, but due to segregation were banished approximately 90 years ago, we-"

"I'm sorry but I must cut you off there, do you know what planet you are currently on?"

"No, why?"

"Well this planet should look quite familiar to those of you that have lived long lives."

"Well this planet did look much like Azeroth at first, but there is a strange storm in the middle of the largest sea, and a landmass in the South, and another island that seems to be surfacing by the continent to the Northeast of the other land mass."

"What my father means to say, umm sorry I didn't get your name."

"Oh of course I am King Ferrous, strong as the metal I was named for but kinder than, crap can't think of a metaphor for that, but anyways what are your names?"

"Well I am Prince Anduin Wrynn, and this-"

All of a sudden almost 20 guards charged their way between Ferrous and Anduin, shields raised to protect their prince.

"Is my overprotective father King Varian, and what he means is that you are ON Azeroth."

"HAH, sure it is and I'M not freakin' awesome."

"What? Anyways the world has changed a lot over the last hundred years, the first invasion of the Orcs, the arrival of the Draenei, the second invasion of the Orcs, the formation of the Horde, the war between the Alliance and Horde, the cataclysm, and the dispersing of the mists surrounding a place known as Pandaria."

"Well that explains a LOT, and HOLY SHIT a lot of stuff has happened since I last set foot here, and now no matter how long I become seperated I will NEVER forget the sound of Azeroth's voice."

"OK now why don't YOU start explaining what the hell you mean about freakin awesome and the sound of Azeroth?"

"For the freakin awesome part, our slang has changed a LOT over 90 years, as for the sound of Azeroth, I'm the son of Neltharion."

And those last 5 words made everyone who didn't become stunned with fear put their points up against the King's throat, before the metal itself bent to avoid bringing any harm to their intended 

"Ok seriously what the freakin hell?"

"Dear god he's the son of Deathwing! WE'RE ALL DOOMED!"

"No I'm the son of NELTHARION, as in I'm the son of the dragon, not the corruption, I still follow the ways of him before he succumbed to the corruption, but the previous leaders didn't even give me a chance to prove myself."

"I'm sorry i don't quite follow."

"Well you see, I... I'M the reason all Dragonmen were sent off the planet, when they found out that Deathwing had a son among the civilized races of Azeroth,they forced us into our flying city and forced us off this planet, and striking any mention of Dragonmen from every book, some of your kind may have been told stories about us making us seem like evil beasts rather than kind men and women."

"Well thats terrible, but this clearly wasn't true seeing how as you just saved all of Stormwind from that falling star-"

"That was no star, that was one of our spaceships, and that light show was no starfall, it was a battle in space, traversing in this direction for a long time before one of our ships got shot down, they had greater numbers which is why they lasted so long against our superior ships, this was the closest planet, so the gravity pulled us here."

"Very interesting, so how old are you?"

"Well I am 100 years old, as of yesterday, but in relation to your species I have the body of a.... twenty year old I think."

"But Night Elves are the longest living species and when they are one hundre years old they look at least 30."

"But remember I'm half Night Elf, half Dragon."


Then one of the Stormwind guards charged in and announced, "King Wrynn! Thrall has arrived at the gate asking to speak to someone named Ferrous!"

"I suppose let him in and bring him to the keep."


"Wait there is a citizen named THRALL!?"

"Not quite, ever since before Garrosh Hellscream took over, and after he was brought down, he has been the leader of the Orcs."

"Strange name."

Then Thrall stepped into the room, stating, "It's a long, strange story, anyways I have come here because the Earth spirit told me of your importance, but may I ask, who are you?"

"You know what I don't want to tell you everything again. HONEY!"

A green human Dragonwomen stepped forward.

"Yes, Ferrous?"

"Could you please use your powers to show them everything?"

"Oh, sure, but why didn't you ask me to do this in the first place?"

"Don't question my logic."

She giggled, "Alright honey."

Then visions explaining everything Ferrous told Varian and Anduin, filled Thrall's head.

"This... this is amazing, the Earth spoke of your great power but stopping a mass of metal THAT SIZE with but a punch... it's just insane."

"Yes, but now why don't we share the history of the past 90 years of both our planets?"

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