8. Parties ain't for us

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Hey everyone! Here's a decently long chapter for y'all so I hope you enjoy. I have stupid testing for school tomorrow so... that really sucks. Luckily writing always makes my day better so I might have another chapter up before ya know it : )


Ben took me home because he had to get cleaned up before hand. I told my mom I was going out to eat with Ben to celebrate the fantastic win - so she let me out of the house in my favorite pair of jeans and a Floral tank top. It wasn't overly fancy, but since I normally don't go to parties, I decided to dress like I normally do.

Ben never offered to take me to parties and I always assumed it was because he would always take a girl home with him. Because normally the next morning the blinds to his windows would be shut - which was a signal for "I'm busy" in our world.

"Holy shit I can't believe I actually caught that" Ben commented with amazement while he drove. I smiled and admired how fresh he looked. He freshly showered and his hair was just finishing drying, and he wore jeans and a shirt that shaped every outline of his muscles.

"I'm proud of you" I said with a smile. I rested my hands across my lap while excitement buzzed through body. The outside was dark but I could still spot the party house from miles away. All the lights to the house were turned on and I could see various people from our high school out in the front yard. Not gonna lie - my heart was beating out of proportion and I suddenly felt as if I couldn't breathe. But it was a good feeling - even if not being able to breathe was a bad sign.

    Ben parked his car on the side of the road along with hundreds of other cars on the block. 

     Ben handed me the keys. "Seeing how you're the more responsible one here." He smiled and opened the car door to head into the crowded house filled with drunk people. I spotted Jenna's car a few blocks down so that's where I headed next, hoping that she'd still be inside. 

Luckily for me she was still sitting there, which meant I didn't have to enter the house alone. 

      "Ready for this mess we're getting into?" She exclaimed with fake excitement. "What even made you want to come?" She asked questionably. I shrugged and grabbed her hand to drag her inside.

      The whole room was packed and the only smell I could determine was the smell of sweat.  Football players were playing beer pong in the corner, and some were dancing with red solo cups in their hands.  It was just like I expected, except it was virtually impossible to find anyone. 

  There was a downstairs to the house and an upstairs that I assumed was the ideal spot for making out.  Fortunately I wouldn't find myself up there anytime soon. 

             A small puddle of wetness was on the ground below my feet and I could only hope it was just water. I quickly evacuated the spot however, because you could never be too sure. I kept my hand latched to Jenna's so I wouldn't loose her presence in the crowd. Familiar faces were everywhere, but none of who I actually liked to talk too. Ben was no where in sight even when I entered minutes after him and Jenna was still following behind me.

I was torn between leaving this party in Ben's mustang (which he would end up drunk and no place to go)

Or I could wait for him in the car which seemed like a horrible choice.

  Why did I even agree to come.

       "Hey Elizabeth. What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice echo though my ears. I turned on my heels in the crowded living room to face the one person I wouldn't mind talking too.

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