5. Meeting my new Lab Partner

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Hey guys! How was you weekend? Mine was fabulous and currently I'm writing my ass off, trying to make it possible to update more than once a week :) thanks to everyone who has been reading!! Please don't be afraid to express you opinions in the comments, I love reading them!!!


   "Why do you like him anyways?" Ben asked while leaning back into the recliner in my living room. The television was on, Criminal minds was playing.

        "Because he's insanely hot. Derek Morgan is my dream husband" I explained as a picture of him popped up on the screen. I sat at the stove waiting impatiently for the water to boil.

        "I'm not talking about Derek" Ben clarified while glancing back at my amused smile.  I knew he was talking about Colton but honestly, I didn't want to think of Colton right now. I just wanted us to have fun - goofing off while watching one of our favorite shows.

     But I knew Ben wouldn't stop until I answered.

      "I don't know. I just do" I said although my answer was a pretty bad one. Ben didn't seem bugged by my lack of reply, surprisingly.  A long silence passed, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

         "You deserve someone that's amazing and will stay up late with you. Someone that eats your leftover food when you're too full" Ben said. My heart instantly melted because I knew Ben more than anybody else - and believe it or not - Ben was a sucker for romance. Sometimes we would go to the movie theater to watch Romance comedies and he would always get so into it that we would talk for hours about the movie once it was over.

That's one of those things that I only seemed to know about him. None of his jocks like Brayden, Easton and Sean. It was weird how Ben played two completely different people in the same world.

But, It's not like Ben went out of his way to find true love, but I could tell he wanted to experience it more than anything else. Heck, so did I. Every one did, right?

        True love is almost like a mystery. Everyone says it out there but you only believe it when you see it yourself.

I haven't seen it yet. 

       "Oh, so somebody like you?" I asked because I knew he was describing himself.

     "Exactly like me. Unfortunately I don't think you'll be able to find somebody as good as I am" Ben said smoothly and calmly. I chuckled a little and scooped some Mac and Cheese into two bowls; one for me and one for Ben. 

I walked over to him as he held out his hand, his eyes still focused on the TV. He was taking up the whole entire couch, leaving no available room for anybody. I heard footsteps rapidly running down the stairs , for a moment I though there was an elephant in the house. Unfortunately, it was just Mason; my younger brother.

"Hey sis, can I have some of this?" He yelled with his headphones still attached to his ears and his eyes glued to his phone. I turned on my heels to look at him while he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and a fork from the drawer.

"Yeah, I don't care" I said while turning to watch the television. I heard him scrambling around, a cringe spread across my face. The only time Mason came downstairs was to go to school and to eat food. He was a freshman, so of course he still hadn't figured out everything yet.

Every other week he had a new girlfriend and I've decided that's Ben's fault. When Mason was younger Ben and Him would hang out often, mostly because Mason always wanted an older brother and Ben was the closet person to that. But over the years, Mason drastically changed.

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