Chapter Special: A very lewd, yet weird Christmas.

Start from the beginning

Lucian: Not to mention a major pervert.

Hikaraya: Indeed thou must know which girl to be fawned over carefully.

Ghori: Whatever's yo, so Lucian which girl are you deciding?

Lucian: W-W-W-What d-d-do you mean. 'My face turned red.'

Ghori: Come on yo you got the class rep falling head over heels in love with ya, including our two friends Airi and Merola. My guess is that they want their gifts to be you all wrapped up like a Christmas present.

Lucian: O///O Eeeehhhh! N-N-N-No I don't want to be a wrapped up present for them so I'll do a Secret Santa for them they won't know who it's from right.....?

Hikaraya: Actually they will know who is theirs since those gifts have name tags on them.

Lucian: Oh....ah help me out please you two?

Hikaraya: Sure I'll help after all we are friends, and friends stick by each other.

Ghori: The guy himself said it yo. So I'm in yo.

???: Oh Lucian!

Ghori: Well heads up yo, love interest coming your way!

Lucian: W-What? 'I turned to see Ikaruga and Asuka.'


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Asuka: Hello Lucian, how've you been?

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Asuka: Hello Lucian, how've you been?

Lucian: G-G-Great s-s-so far....

Ikaruga: Well we were doing some Christmas shopping and I hope you'll like this present, I've gotten for you. (Today is when I'll tell him, and hopefully Katsuragi isn't pulling a fast one on me.) We also got to head back for the Christmas party so let's head on back.

Hikaraya: We'll catch up later for now us guys have to leave for now. Farewell. 'As soon as we parted ways we immediately went to the mall to get everyone a gift.'

---------Back at Hanzo Airi's POV

Airi: I wish my sister was here. 'I sat in a chair feeling sad that my sister wasn't going to ahow up since she was busy.'

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