Chapter 13

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Rich Purnell's boss opened the door and poked his head in to find Rich asleep,
"Rich. Rich. Wake up." He said to Rich who was beginning to wake up.
"Sorry, but they're asking for the probe courses." He apologised.
"What time is it?" Rich asked as he grabbed his coffee off of the side table.
"It's 3:42." He replied as Rich spat the coffee into the bin
"Look, I know we're coming at this backwards... but we can't commit to a firm launch date with this many unknowns." He told Rich, who was sitting at his desk, pencil in hand.
"It's alright. All 25 models for launch will take 414 days to reach Mars. They vary slightly in thrust duration... and the fuel requirement is nearly identical." Rich informed.
"Not a good time to launch, is it?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah, Earth and Mars are really badly positioned . Heck it'd almost be easier if you..." Rich trailed off in thought.
"Almost easier if you what?" He questioned.
"I need more coffee." Rich said as he got up to grab some more coffee, he then slipped on something and fell over.
"Are you alright?" He asked in concern.
"It's fine." Rich said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.
"Almost easier to what?" He asked impatiently, as he saw Rich grabbing some coffee and a biscuit, "You do understand that I'm your boss right?"
"Uh huh." Rich nodded while eating his biscuit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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