Chapter 10

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*Sol 110*

"Now that we can have more complicated conversations, the people at NASA have sent us instructions on how to hack the Rover so it can talk to Pathfinder." Mark told the camera.

We went out to the Rover with the instructions and began to hack the Rover. It took us a while, but we eventually hacked it. We waited outside for a while to see if we would receive a message from NASA:

JPL: Mark and Lucy, this is Vincent Kapoor. We've been watching you since Sol 54. The whole world is rooting for you. Amazing job getting Pathfinder. We're working on rescue plans. Meantime, we're putting together a supply mission to keep you fed until Ares 4 arrives.

RVR: Glad to hear it. Really looking forward to not dying.

How's the crew? What did they say when they found out we were alive?

JPL: We haven't told the crew you are alive yet. We need them to concentrate on their mission.

Me and Mark stared at the screen in disbelief,

"What the fuck?" I said.

RVR: They don't know we are alive? What the fuck is wrong with you?

JPL: Please watch your language. Everything you type is being broadcast live all over the world.

"Of course it is." Mark muttered to himself.


"Commander Lewis?" Johanssen asked.

"Go ahead." Lewis said.

"Data dump is almost complete." Johanssen replied.

"Copy that. On my way." Lewis said as she made her way to the room where everyone was.

"You're in a hurry." Lewis observed as she saw Martinez quickly making his way to the room.

"Yeah." Martinez replied, "My son turned three yesterday. Should be pictures of the party."

Lewis climbed down the ladder and went over to were Johanssen was going through the emails.
"Got a batch of personals. Dispatching them to your laptops now. I don't need to read Vogel's weird German fetish emails." Johanssen said as she worked her way through them.
"They're telemetry updates." Vogel corrected her.
"Hey, whatever does it for you, man." Johanssen reasoned, "There's a video message. It's addressed to the whole crew."
"Play it. Come on, guys." Lewis commanded as the whole crew made their way over to the computer.
Once the crew were at the computer, Johanssen hit the play button.
"Hi, hello. It's Mitch. Mitch Henderson. I have some news. There's no subtle way to put this. Mark Watney and Lucy Brooks are still alive."the video message said.
"Oh, my God." the crew whispered.
"I know that's a surprise and I know you will have a lot of questions.But here are the basics. They are alive and they are healthy. We found out two months ago and decided not to tell you." the video message continued.
"Two months?" Martinez questioned.
"Oh, my God." Johanssen whispered.
"I was strongly against that decision. We're telling you now because...we finally have communication with them... and a viable rescue plan.We'll give you a write-up of what happened, a full write-up of everything. But it's not your fault. Mark and Lucy stress that everytime it comes up. So... Yeah... Take some time to absorb this. And send all the questions you want. We'll answer them. All right. Henderson out." the video message finished.

"Holy shit, they're alive." Beck said.

"I left them behind." Lewis said guiltily

"No." the crew told her.

"We all left together." Beck argued.

"You were following orders." Lewis informed, "I left them behind."

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