Chapter 11

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*Sol 128*

"Now that we have contact with NASA, we can't seem to shut them up." Mark said to the camera he had set up in the room where the potatoes are growing, "They want constant updates and they even have people trying to control my plants. Not to sound arrogant or anything, but I am the greatest botanist on this planet."

"You sure are." I sarcastically remarked from the back of the room just out of the camera shot.

"It's true though." he replied with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, got up and walked towards the camera. I looked up and said,

"If you don't save me soon, I may kill him.", I then walked out and left Mark staring at the camera with wide eyes and his mouth agape.

After a few minutes, Mark starting speaking again,

"Anyway, we are now getting data dumps again. I got one from the University of Chicago, my alma mater, they said that once you grow crops somewhere, you've officially colonized it. So we've technically colonized Mars.


"What are they doing?" Annie asked Vincent as she looked at the photograph she was meant to share to the world, "I asked for a photo, and what, they're The Fonz?"

"Just be grateful we got you something, Annie." Vincent replied.
"I can't use this, Vincent, and you know that." Annie said matter-of-factly, "I need a picture of their faces."
"I could tell them to take off their helmets... but then they'd, you know, die, so..." Vincent told her and people began to lightly chuckle.
"We'll release the photo when we detail the rescue operation. I want to announce we're launching some supplies to them next year... during the Hohmann Transfer Window." Teddy announced and Annie passed the picture to Mitch who silently laughed at it,
"Bruce, your team's still on schedule?"
"It'll be tight, but we'll make it." Bruce said.
"Nine-month travel time. That puts the probe to Mars on Sol 868. Did we get the botany team's analysis?" Teddy asked.
"Yeah, they estimate their crops will last till Sol 912. They grudgingly admit that they're doing great work." Vincent informed them.
"Grudgingly?"Mitch questioned.
"Yeah. Mark has a tendency to tell them to have sex with themselves...whenever they question one of his decisions." Vincent said.
"Get him in line, Vincent. We can't afford any miscommunication." Teddy told Vincent.
"I hate this margin. 912 Sols worth of food. We get there on 868." Teddy remarked, "And that's assuming nothing goes wrong."

a/n: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have been doing lots of work for school. However, I will try to update again this weekend.

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