Chapter 8

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*Sol 108*

We made it to the Hab and began to figure out a way to get Pathfinder working again so we could contact NASA.

"I may be an engineer, but I do not know how to fix this." Mark stated while tinkering with the circuits inside Pathfinder.

"Well, just do what you can." I told him. He nodded his head in understanding and continued to tinker with Pathfinder.

I walked into the Hab to check on the potatoes. After about 30 minutes, Mark came running in,

"I got it working!"

"What?"I asked in disbelief.

"It's turned on." he replied like an excited kid at Christmas.

Mark jogged to the kitchen and grabbed some trays, poles and a marker. He put the trays on the poles and placed them into the ground in front of Pathfinder. On the middle tray he wrote: 'Are you receiving?'.

On the right tray he put: 'Yes' and on the left tray he wrote: 'No'.

We waited for a while, then we heard the camera turn and it pointed to 'yes'.

I turned to look at Mark and he was staring at the sign it pointed at with complete shock written over his face. He stayed like that for a few seconds until all of a sudden he shouted,


"What the fuck?" I shouted as he scared the shit out of me with his sudden outburst.

"Sorry." he said to me as he walked past into the Hab.

We were at in the kitchen eating our dinner when I had an idea,

"Hexadecimals."I said and Mark furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion, "We could use hexadecimals to have conversations with NASA."

"One of the crew has to have the hexadecimal system." Mark said as he stood up and walked over to where the crew's personal belongings were.

After almost 5 minutes of searching, I found it in Johanssen's box.

"How about we do this tomorrow? I'm really tired." I asked Mark.

"Sure, we need to get some proper sleep anyway." he replied.

We made our way into our bunks and the minute my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

a/n: I'm sorry this is short but I am at school, so there may not be as many updates during the week but there will be at the weekend.

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