three » drunk on him

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It seemed Bellatrix had changed her mind. Because when Melanie arrived at Malfoy Manor a few days later, a house elf was asking Melanie to follow it into a new room.

The room was large, like all the others. It had hardwood floors and grey walls. Unlike the rest of the house, this room had large windows and got a lot of sunlight. The floor was polished that it almost looked like they were standing on glass. Once again, the same question was in Melanie's mind. Didn't these people slip and fall on these polished floors?

The only shocking sight Melanie was face to face with was Draco. He was standing there, next to Bellatrix. He was wearing a full black suit that looked fitted on his lean body, making Melanie feel some sort of way she hadn't felt before. His blond hair was more eye catching than ever thanks to the contrast against his black suit. It was also perfectly combed, a feat Melanie's hair had never achieved. He looked dashing, with the absolute meaning of the word.

Yet, there was an aura of dangerousness and darkness surrounding him. What had Bellatrix taught him that had changed him so drastically?

"Melanie... Welcome," said Bellatrix, her voice oozing with false kindness.

"Today, we're going to teach Draco here something of upmost importance," Bella said. "You are a powerful Legilimens, isn't that right, Melanie?"

Melanie nodded. She was a powerful Legilimens, and a powerful witch. Scratch that, she was power itself.

"Draco here is learning to defend his mind against intruders," Bella continued.

Draco nodded, his face expressionless.

This was news to Melanie. Draco was learning Occlumency? That was good, at least that was what she hoped.

"Well, why don't we give it a little test?" Bella had a wicked grin on her face. "Melanie, go ahead."

"What—?" Melanie choked out, at the same time as Draco.

"Do as I say, use your Legilimency on Draco," Bellatrix said, smirking.

"Wha— No— I—" Melanie stuttered. "I think you'll do a better job, Bella, after all, you're much better than I am." Flattery was the perfect way to get out of slippery situations like this, right?

"Do as I say, Avery." Bellatrix raised her wand, giving Melanie time to perform Legilimency on Draco before Bellatrix used the Cruciatus Curse on her.

"Legilimens," Melanie whispered, looking into Draco's eyes and pointing her wand at him.

Draco was trying to close his mind, but Melanie still managed to catch visions of pain. Melanie, now in the place of Draco, was on the floor screaming as a shrill laugh echoed through her mind. Blurry visions of long unruly hair, rotten teeth and blood filled her mind.

And then the connection was broken.

Draco had shut his eyes. He was trembling. He had relived what Melanie saw. Of course, it had been worse for him. He had lived through it firsthand, after all.

Bellatrix was cackling with laughter. "Again!" She shouted, pointing her wand at the both of them, threatening to do even worse things to them.

"Close your mind and lock the door," Melanie whispered to him, using the same words Snape had used what seemed like a lifetime ago. "Legilimens." Her voice had never been softer as she talked to the boy she loved.

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