Letter Three

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Hehehehe Cassie is quick. Anyway go check the Intros and whatnot of the coming soon fics!

(Cas' POV)

I woke up the next day, my face smashed into the carpet.

I thought to myself, "Think rationally. You're jumping to conclusions."

I practically fell down the stairs while walking to the bathroom.

After I did my business I walked into the kitchen, wincing at the freezing floor.

Taped to the fridge was a note from my mother.

Good morning Castiel,

I have left for work.

I believe it is quite outrageous for the school to give the students a week off for 'spring break.'

But nonetheless, you do not have school today.

On a Monday.

I am still very disappointed in you for going to that boys house.
I thought all those praying sessions had helped you with your condition.

Apparently not.

Don't worry, we shall just restart.

Do not leave the house.

Your mother,
Naomi Novak.

I rolled my eyes and crumpled the paper, tossing it into the trash.

I mastered the art of zoning out during one of our five hour long bible sessions.

Kill me now.

I poured myself some tea and drank half the cup before deciding to check the mail.

In my bare feet and sweatpants, I trudged across the lawn.

My neighbor across the street was staring. Maybe because she's a cougar and I'm shirtless.

I grabbed the next letter and some magazines the church sent to everyone.

I slid those on the counter and ran up the stairs to my room.

I plopped onto the bed and tore open the envelope.

Dear Cassie,

Remember the nickname Gabe gave you when he was five?

I'm bringing it back.

Also, you seem to have figured everything out.

Is it March 7th?

If it is, you are on Spring Break. And that means mom is being a bitch again.

Not that she ever stops.

Anyway, you should probably go over to Dean's at some point to fetch our necklace.

I know what mom said, but we were never one to play by the rules.

It's okay to be a little bit of a badass.

Good luck.

- Castiel Winchester.

I smiled softly at the nickname.

Gabe was sent to boarding school after a massive prank that got him expelled from school.

I hadn't actually seen him in over a year.

God did I miss my annoying little brother.

I can't ever say that out loud though, mother will yell at me for using the lord's name in vain.

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