Letter Two

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Merry fucking two days before Christmas

(Cas POV)

I woke up early the next morning after having a screaming match with my mother yesterday.

Last year she caught me making out with a boy in my room. And she is quite the homophobe so it did not turn out well for me.

She even made me go to therapy with her to 'put it behind us.'

She still gets jumpy whenever I mention a boy's name.

After took care of all my bathroom business I padded down the stairs to check the mail.

And of course, there was a letter.

Cas grabbed it and darted into the house, rushing up the stairs.

He flopped down onto the bed and carefully opened the envelope.

Dear Castiel Novak,

I would like to think you're open minded and listened to my advice.

Because I sure as hell wasn't.

But the point of these letters are for you to learn from my mistakes.

How was it at Dean's house? Did mom mess it up?

God she's a homophobe, but we show her Cassie. ;)

I'll tell you how, all in good time.

Your next task is to tell Dean about the necklace.

I gulped, I've never talked to anyone about that.

I know you don't like to talk about it.

But dad died a long time ago, open up again. Be happy.

I was happy, until that fucking fight.

So you need to help, Cas. Help you, help me. Help him.

That's all I can say for now.

By the way you should be careful about where you put it.

Dean has it you clutz.

I jumped up out of bed and crawled over to my backpack.

The letter was right, the necklace was gone.

I probably dropped it at Dean's but the thought of telling Dean about dad scared me.

My dad died when I was twelve.

He gave me the necklace when I turned nine.

Turns out I'm named after an angel. The angel of Thursday.

Engraved in the back was my name in Enochian. The language of angels. I was fluent.

The whole family was.

Dad got sick after that, really sick.

Jaw cancer.

That's why I get scared around sick people. And pregnant women, but that's another story.

I crawled back onto the bed and continued the letter.

He's going to ask you about it. Answer his questions.

You need to stop being such a shut in.

Dean is a good friend, he's going to change everything.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Good luck.

- Castiel W.

I folded the letter up and pried up my secret floorboard.

I tucked it in there with the other one.

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. (What up Jess)

Why was this Dean guy so important?

He was nice, sure. But why was he the whole center of the god damned universe. 

Ugh, this is just great. Now I'm cussing.

Dean Winchester.

Dean Winchester.

Dean Winchester.

WAIT! Winchester.


Castiel W.

Oh. My. God.

I got up and felt lightheaded.

Everything was spinning then I fell and my face hit the floor.

Dean Winchester, my future husband.

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