Seth looked at Sam with sadness as well as it hit him what Sam missed out on having a father.  "I thought if anyone could be my dad, it would be you."

Seth smiled at him, forgetting sometimes for a ten year old, he was quite smart.  "I would love that, Sam."

He hugged the boy with one arm and kissed him on the top of his head.  Ava watched the two as she was happy for her son.  He finally had a father.  She never pushed the two together, so to see how much the relationship had blossomed on it's own, made her heart swell.  Seth held onto the boy as he looked back at Ava.  His life seemed to be perfect.  But then he remembered what was happening in their lives, as Will threatened their happiness.  He looked back down at Sam as he felt he had more of a reason to fight for them.  He again kissed the top of Sam's head as he worried what this monster might do to his family.


Seth and Ava were in their bed as Sam slept between them.  Seth looked at him as he ran his fingers through the boy's hair.  "So, the school called again today about Sam."  He told Ava.

"What did you tell them?"  She asked.

He sighed as he knew she wouldn't like the answer.  "I told them he would be back to school on Monday."

"What?  Why would you do that?"  Ava began to get upset.

She knew she would be.  "Ava, we can't do this.  We cannot allow him to control our lives so much that we refuse to leave this house.  It's not health, not for any of us.  Especially not for Sam.  He has no clue what is going on and he is questioning a few things lately."  Seth explained.

"I know."  She breathed as she looked down at Sam.  "I know he has.  And I know this isn't good for him."  She looked back at him and became emotional.  "But what if he gets him while he is at school."  She was worried.

"Do you trust me?"  He asked her.

"Of course."  She quickly answered.

He looked at her as he said, sincerely, "Then know I will take every step to make sure that does not happen."

She nodded.  Then Seth said to her, "We should also go back to work on Monday."

"Seth."  She breathed as she didn't want that either.

"I know, love.  It is a lot with what is going on.  But we have to live a normal life, as much as we can.  Do you understand me?"  He asked her.

She nodded, reluctantly.  "Good."  He said.  "We have one more day, baby.  Then we go back to how it was before."

"It can never be how it was before."  She told him.

"I know.  But we have to try.  For Sam's sake.  He needs normalcy."  Seth told her. 

She again nodded.  Seth looked down at Sam as he slept.  He knew Sam needed life to go back to how it was.  He just hoped he made the right decision in doing so.


Monday came, Sam and Seth were already down in the kitchen early in the morning as Ava finished getting ready for work.  Vikki was there, making and serving breakfast.  Sam was eating as Seth sat next to him eating as well.  "Dad?"  Sam looked at Seth.

Seth smiled as he loved Sam calling dad.  "Yeah?"  He asked.

"Do you think one day I could go to work with you?  I would like to see how they do everything."  He asked.

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