01: Isn't he supposed to be sweet?

Start from the beginning

Unsure whether to accept it or not, I continued to stare at it until the blonde laughed.

"I won't hurt you. And even if she looks it, she wouldn't harm you either. No worries," she said softly as her laugh faded before a soft smile graced her lips and she stretched her hand out a bit further to emphasize that she wouldn't be dropping it any time soon.

So quite naturally (I'm lying, I was super awkward), I took her hand and she hoisted me up, watching me as I dusted myself off.

"Are you all right now," the girl asked with a slight tilt of her head and a soft smile to which I responded with a small nod.

"Well then, we'll be off," her friend announced, eyes narrowed into a glare directed at me as she grabbed the blonde's hand and stalked off into the building. And I would have been all mopey had it not been for the blonde's last words as she stuck her head around the corner and exclaimed, "We hope to see you around more!" before her head disappeared around the corner with the rest of her.

"Well, I seemed to make a good impression on them. Good going, Jamie," I mumbled to myself as I proceeded to give myself a pat on the back.

It was then that I noticed the lack of students in the area that I decided I was late.

I mean, it had taken me nearly an hour just to get here so it would be understandable. Shaking my head slightly, I entered the building and felt myself sigh in relief once I noticed the overcrowded hallways.

My eyes shifted from person to person as I watched various exchanges between students. Some would hug each other, others would nod a greeting and then of course you got the always awkward handshake greeting.

Shaking my head, I proceeded to try and find signs that would show me around or at least help me get to the office, but when I found nothing, I silently wished myself a good luck, sure that I was screwed.

It was then that I noticed the familiar duo of odd hair: the blonde and the red head, but they were so far on the other side of the corridor that I was so certain I would not make it.

However, somehow and in some way, I managed to convince myself to at least try and get to them; something I found I would regret later.

Pushing past people without even so much as an 'excuse me', nobody seemed to mind and I honestly blamed it on my height considering that I was really short especially for my age: something I both liked and disliked; maybe even hated.

During my rush, I hadn't heard or realized that the bell rang so I never really noticed that everyone was already rushing to class.

That is until I'd lost them to a turn only making me lost in the process.

When I finally gave up and turned in hopes of asking someone else, I froze in place before string of curse words escaped my mouth ever so silently.

Dashing down the corridor without a thought, I turned right.

Only to end up bumping into someone else and falling flat on my butt, earning a soft yelp from my side.

"Can you watch where you're going next time?" a voice barked out, causing me to flinch before hesitantly gazing up only to be met by what could possibly be one of the most beautiful men in the world.

His light skin stood out as jet black hair fell into his face, hardened eyes glaring at me as if I was something he'd stepped on this morning.

He was dressed ever so causally, able to somehow just pull off the uniform that somehow made me look even more awkward than I already was and let me tell you, I was one of the most awkward potatoes you could ever meet.

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