Kiara's POV

     I was with Ray and we were getting everyone breakfast at McDonalds. "Welcome to McDonalds how may I help you this morning?" the cashier said. "Can I get four sausage mcmuffin meals with three with medium orange juices and one with a mango pineapple smoothie, three sausage mcgriddles, and whatever she wants." Ray says gesturing to me. "Can I get two sausage burritos, a fruit and maple oatmeal with a sausage, then a two big breakfasts without the egg and add an extra sausage on one and an extra hasbrown on the other, two sausage mcmuffins, and four orange juices," I say and she looked at the both of us like we were crazy. Hey that's what happens when your ordering for eight people three of which are picky as hell. She repeats the order back to us and Ray pays her the money. We wait for our order number to be called when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Lexi and she sat down next to me. "So I might have been talking to this girl in the bathroom who happens to live near campus and exchanged number after walking her to her gate and got lost. So I decided to help you guys carry the food back to our gate because mainly I don't know the way back myself." She said with the goofiest smile. I start to laugh and hear Ray chuckle in the background. After about a good 20 minutes of us cracking jokes they finally called our order number. All three of us walk up Ray and I grab all the food while Lexi grabs the drink holders and we walk back to the gate.

     When we get there, Lee was snuggled up on Capri and Melissa was doing the same to Lydia. Chris was angrily typing on her phone while tapping her foot rapidly but when she saw us come back with the food her expression softened. Ray and I sort through the bags putting the right food in each bag and handed out the bags. Just as we got finished they called for first class on our flight. We take our food and carry ons and go in line to board the plane. When we on the plane there were little bed chair type things. I thought they only did that for international flights but I guess not. Thankfully we were all siting together because I would hate to be separated. Lee and Capri were sitting together and next to them were Chris and Lexi, behind them was me and Ray and then Lyd and Mel were next to us. I put on my headphones and turned on Don't Wish Me Well by Solange and rested my head on my pillow drifting into dreamland.

Christina's POV

     I was fuming mad and not for the reason you would think. You're probably thinking she's mad because Lee and Capri are a thing but that's not the case. I could care less who Lee dates as long as she's happy I'm happy. The thing I'm mad about is Jimmy. His dumb ass told my aunt that we were coming to Michigan for the holidays. My mom is a really nice person and doesn't judge anyone for anything. Whether  its who they love or what they wear or what they eat she didn't care as long as they didn't try and change her she was cool with it. When I came out to her she was fine with it. Said she didn't give a fuck as long as whoever I choose to be with was respectful and not a hoe. She didn't care that I wasn't girly and choose to dress more masculine. Then she told my aunt and my aunt had a way or making her baby sister do anything. My aunt was the complete opposite of my mom. She was judgmental and homophobic as hell. When my aunt found out I was gay she persuaded my mother to force me to wear dresses and skirts or I would be forced to leave her house. When I refused and tried to tell my mom that I had been dressing this way for years and she never had a problem with it my aunt forced me out of the house. I had no where to go but to my dad who left my mom because she let her sister walk all over her.

     I only knew his number and had a picture of him, my mother, and me on my first birthday. I called him and told him what happened. He happened to be visiting one of his friends in Detroit at the time and came to pick me up. He lived in California so I moved out here with him and have been here ever since. Back to my dilemma, Jimmy told his mother that we would be in Michigan and I was planning on meeting with my mother one of the days we were here to catch up. I haven't seen her since I was 14 and needed to speak with her. With my aunt's knowledge of me going to be in town she's going to either convince my mom to not show up at our meeting or show up with her and do the same thing she did when my mom told her I was gay. I didn't want this trouble but what's done is done. This is going to be a crazy two weeks.

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