She hated the tight feeling in her chest. Why did it hurt so much? It wasn't anything new to her. The kids in the village already had her accustomed to such insults. Was it because he was new? Did she hope that maybe...he wouldn't hate her like everyone else? The black haired girl cast her eyes down, fumbling with the hem of her shirt. She should go home now, it was almost dawn. She would be starting school at the academy the next day.

By the time the sun rose the next morning, Akita had long been asleep. In fact, she was so asleep that Sparrow had to come in and dump a bucket of cold water over her head to wake the young girl up. A wild look of surprise overtook her face as she bolted up and off the bed. "You're going to be late, and you know I'm not going to allow your first day to be a tardy. Who knows how that'll impact your school life." Sparrow said. The black haired girl scowled but nonetheless got ready accordingly. 

Her outfit consisted of an oversized black hoodie, black shorts and light grey ninja sandals. Around her neck was a bright red scarf (also oversized) that nearly swallowed her head into its soft fabric. It was special to her because Sparrow made it. She didn't know why he did though, she just knew it was warm and offered comfort to her nerves. Akita didn't like over thinking things.

Sparrow waited for her at the door, anbu mask securely on his face. Even though it was odd, Akita understood that he was not to be identified as an associate of hers until directed. He had explained it a long time ago. That's what she liked about him—he never lied or kept secrets from her. Akita appreciated honesty above everything else. 

Sparrow ruffled her hair with his gloved hand lovingly before ushering her out the door. They had about five minutes before classes started. Thanks to Sparrow's jutsu, though, they made it in less than a second. The courtyard was full of children and families. Anxiety swirled and knotted her stomach as her unique eyes scanned the crowd. Were all those kids going to be in her class? A lot of them had bullied her before...

A hush fell over the crowd as Akita and her ANBU father walked into the clearing. Quiet whispers flitted through parted lips, spreading like a wildfire.

"Who's that?"

"Why is she being escorted by an ANBU?"

"She must be dangerous..."

"I can't let my kid go to school with someone who looks like that!"

As she continued on, it only got worse but she did her best to ignore them, despite how enhanced her hearing was. Her head stayed bowed as she was guided to her classroom where she would be meeting the teacher and her situation explained. 

Most of the class was already inside waiting impatiently for their first lesson as ninja to begin. None of them noticed her as she walked in—except for one person. 

"Ah, welcome anbu-san. This must be Akita." The sensei greeted, giving her a kind smile. A look of confusion overtook her face as she stared at him. Why was he being so kind? It was...weird. Sparrow nodded and took a step forward to exchange a few private words with the teacher before leaving her. 

"My name is Ando Hajime, or Ando-sensei. Welcome to the class, Akita. I'm sure you'll fit right in." he said. The girl nodded and turned to the class, eyes searching for an empty seat. It seemed like everything was taken, except for a seat by a boy with odd orange goggles. Akita made her way to the bench, careful not to let anyone become aware of her presence until needed. The boy was off somewhere in his own world, a string of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth. Should she speak to him? The thought barely crossed her mind before she shot it down. There was no use...he probably didn't know sign language either. 

Maybe she could write down what she wanted to say?

It took a bit, but she finally mustered up enough courage to tap him on the shoulder and bring him back to reality. He snorted and wiped his mouth before his eyes finally wandered to meet hers. For a moment, his eyes widened. Fear creeped in her mind, was he going to hate her too? Her fear was dispelled with his next words.

"Whoa, you're eyes are cool!" 

Akita blinked in surprise. 

My eyes are pretty? 

The boy quickly realized what he had said and proceeded to scratch the back of his head with an embarrassed grin. "Hehe, sorry. I blurt thing out without thinking. Name's Obito, Uchiha Obito. Pleasure to meet ya." He extended a hand to her, grinning from ear to ear. Akita couldn't figure him out. 

Pointing to her throat and shaking her head, she told him she couldn't speak. Obito seemed confused for a moment before the realization dawned on him. "Oh! You don't speak?" He asked, just in case. She nodded. "That's alright. I speak plenty. Can you write stuff down?" The yellow eyed girl grabbed a pencil and a sheet of paper before replying, My name is Akita. Her handwriting was neat and legible, much to her satisfaction. Obito grinned again, "Nice to meet you Akita! I hope we can be friends...I don't have many of those." 

Friends? Akita wasn't very well acquainted with the term. Nonetheless she nodded, her own smile taking over her face although it was close-lipped. She didn't want him seeing her fangs. Do you know sign language?  She asked."Yeah. My grandma lost her hearing before I was born so she taught me. I guess it'll be easier to talk to you if I understood what you were saying huh? We could talk in class and Ando-sensei wouldn't understand." He suggested, chuckling lowly as if he were someone sinister. 

"I wouldn't understand what, Obito?" A voice sounded behind him. An image of thunder flashed before her eyes as she watched the boy freeze and slowly turn. "N-nothing Ando-sensei! I didn't say anything!" 

Akita couldn't help but hide a soundless chuckle behind her hand as she watched the exchange. A positive feeling hummed throughout her body as she sat in class, listening to everything Ando-sensei instructed. Akita was very interested in the ninja arts ever since she could remember. Partially because of Sparrow, because she wanted to be like him when she grew up. He was strong and fast. He was honest and hard working. Akita wanted to be like that because maybe then people would respect her and look up to her.

She didn't want to live her life labeled as the outcast and the demon. She wanted to be a hero! 

After a while her attention began to drift. Her piercing yellow gaze dancing across every face in the room. They were the people she would grow with for the next seven years. They were the people she was going to entrust her life to at some point. Would they trust her? Could she trust them? The answer was unclear. Why was everything so unclear?

Her gaze continued around the room in boredom. Her heart dropped as soon as she spotted a familiar figure towards the top row. Why was he here? Why in her class? Anger boiled her blood as she narrowed her eyes at him. Seeming to feel that burning look, the masked boy shifted his coal black hues to meet hers. He sent and icy glare back. The boy from the forest, the previous day, was in her class. 

She really didn't like him.

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