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Akita loved the outdoors, especially at night. Why? It was because the stars were visible at night. She liked the way they twinkled and danced in the darkness, way above her head, just out of reach. She also liked the creatures that came out. Like owls, mice, wolves, etc. They all fascinated her.

Why do they only come out at night, she would ask herself. She didn't want to ask Sparrow because she knew he would give her some boring scientific answer. That's not what she was looking for! She wanted to know why, like asking 'what's the meaning of life?'

Is it because they want to come out at night, or was it in their DNA to be nocturnal—like her. At first, Sparrow had been concerned with her nocturnal side, but after learning that she seemed to be more relaxed and happy, he accepted the fact. He wanted her to be able to have an escape from all the negativity she received on a daily basis.

The young girl crossed her legs and haphazardly balanced upon the wooden branch she had taken momentary refuge. It was her favorite spot because no one ever came into the forests at night. She could be herself. A contented smile graced her lips as she outstretched her arm to the sky. Oh how she wanted to touch a star! Akita wondered what they were like. Were they hot? Were they cold? Were they all the same, or were they different? Did the other stars bully the different looking stars like the people in the village bullied her?

A rustle down below snapped her out of her thoughts as she sprung to her feet and crouched low, hands gripping the branch like a cat's claws. Her stance was almost feral. 

The rustling continued, as if someone were angrily shoving branches out of the way. They were, in fact shoving branches and muttering under their breath. Something about not being allowed to learn a jutsu or another. They couldn't sense Akita, it was obvious, because they stopped just below her tree. She could see as clear as day that it was a boy, but her head tilted in curiosity. His hair was silver! How was that possible? In all her time in the village she'd never seen anyone with silver hair. Just the boring brown, black and blonde. 

She wanted to get a closer look. Akita carefully maneuvered through the leaves so that she could study him. He stood with arms crossed and eyes cast angrily to the ground. The boy picked up a stick and snapped it into tiny pieces, throwing them into the air with a sigh. It was then that he spotted something odd in the trees. He quickly secured a kunai when his eyes locked with a pair of glowing cat-like ones, the color of molten gold. Without a second thought, he threw the weapon in her direction, causing her to leap down in order to avoid getting hit. Although she was tiny, so her legs buckled underneath her and she scraped her hands on the rocks littering the ground. 

"Who are you?" The boy questioned, arms set out defensively. Akita didn't reply, which aggravated him. She merely stood up and brushed herself off. A soft breeze danced by, ruffling hair and prickled skin. The boy narrowed his eyes as her strange eyes met his once more, still holding the same curiosity as before. "Who are you?" He asked again, patience growing thin. Akita tilted her head. It was no use talking to him, he probably wouldn't know how to use sign language. 

Akita took a step forward suddenly. He took a step back. He felt an uneasiness around her, as if she were going to pounce at any moment. "Are you going to answer my question?" 

Akita shook her head and pointed her her throat, shaking her head again in order to get the message across. The boy immediately understood. "You're mute." he stated. The black haired girl nodded then pointed to his hair. His brows furrowed, what was she doing? "What about it?" 

Her clawed hand reached out to touch it, but the boy leaned back. He didn't want some stranger touching him. Especially this girl...she was weird. "Tch. If you aren't going to answer my questions I'm leaving. There's no use talking to you." He droned. Akita flinched, hurt by his careless words. No use talking to me...? she thought sadly to herself. Akita didn't do anything to stop the boy from leaving. If he didn't want to talk to her...she didn't need to talk. 

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