"Akita, have you forgotten?" The man chuckled.

"—Akita simply stares at everything in curiosity. I have a concern." Sparrow corrected himself, standing so that Akita would be comfortable. The Hokage turned and waited for him to continue. "She hasn't made a single noise since she's arrived. No crying, laughing...nothing. Is that normal, Hokage-sama?"

A child who doesn't cry? That certainly was odd. "No, it isn't. Perhaps she is suffering trauma from her arrival? If she keeps silent as she grows, she may be mute. How odd a girl..." the Hokage trailed off. He placed the pipe back into his mouth and smiled slightly. Sparrow nodded, thankful for the words his leader provided. "I have one last question, if you'll allow it."

The man nodded. Sparrow kept a straight face under his mask. "Will she be a ninja?" He asked. The Hokage hummed, pipe bobbing in his mouth.

"Perhaps....perhaps not. The future remains unclear. Whether or not she will be a ninja is something that will be discussed when the time comes. For now, let her grow as a civilian child. Let her experience what it is to be a child before she becomes a killer."

Sparrow didn't flinch, they were indeed killers. If Akita became like him...that was for her to decide. All they could do was wait.


Five years passed and all too quickly for Sparrow's liking. Five years of teaching Akita the wonders of the world and learning from her. The ANBU man suspected that she was an early prodigy, based on the way she picked up reading and writing so easily. Akita had yet to speak, which concerned Sparrow with every day that passed.

She never screamed when she fell, or when she was hungry. She never cried loudly when she scraped her knee—it was always silence from her.

Sparrow had never brought up the subject of being a ninja with her. He never once made an effort to teach her any skills, which was why he felt uneasy when he spotted her striking the old tree in the backyard with practiced ease. Where could she have learned taijutsu of the level she was at? From what he could gouge, her style was nothing like he'd ever seen.

The time for academy enrollment was drawing nearer. Only two weeks remained until official classes started. All incoming students were required to turn in paperwork a week before. Sparrow hadn't done anything for either school simply because he hadn't even brought up the option of ninja academy to her. He was planning to do so once she returned home.

The light haired male sat patiently with legs crossed over each other and a book in his hands. A pair of silver framed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and his piercing blue eyes scanned over the words painting the pages neatly. Despite his fairly relaxed state, he was very aware of his surroundings. So, when the front door opened he didn't lift his head. He simply asked one question.

"Who did it?"

The couch dipped next to him and a pair of tiny arms wrapped around his waist and a dirty face buried itself in his side. A sigh passed his lips as he gently closed his book and rested a pale hand on her head comfortingly. "Was it the kids down in red light?"

Akita nodded, pulling away to sign. They teased me about my skin again. My eyes too. I didn't hurt them back though! I always try to listen to what you told me.

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