Chapter 29

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Fergal nudged Bayley with his arm, gently so as not to spill his mug of hot chocolate. Bayley smiled, turning her head to look at him. She had been sipping her hot chocolate slowly, the whipped cream piled high on a bed of melting marshmallows.

Fergal grinned, "Babe, you've got whipped cream on the tip of your nose." He reached out a thumb to swipe the cream from her face, popping said thumb partially in his mouth to eat the cream. Bayley giggled, stopping to simply stare, smiling at him.

"Why you smiling at me like a lil' weirdo?" Fergal chuckled.

Bayley laughed, "You're just, so cute I don't know. You make me so happy Ferg."

Fergal laughed blushing, "Babe, I hate to be cheesy-"

Bayley interrupted Fergal with a laugh. He continued, smiling, "But you're damn well the cutest lass I've ever gazed upon."

"Get a room." Fergal's sister came into the room, sitting down on the sofa beside Bayley; her own hot chocolate in hand.

They flicked between channels on the TV.

"You know what's annoying?" His sister sighed, "You'd think, that as it's Christmas Eve, they'd put something decent on the TV. But all that's on is shite."

Bayley leaned over to rest her head upon Fergal's shoulder. He turned his head, laying a soft kiss upon her forehead. Right there, in that moment, there was no place he'd rather be. He yawned.

"You two tired?" His sister asked, glancing to see that it was near 11 o'clock.

"A bit," Fergal chuckled.

"Head off to bed, all the presents are under the tree. Everything's done. I'll stay up another half hour as I have to take the turkey out the oven then." She nodded.

Fergal glanced at Bayley, who he noticed was already in a light sleep. Her eyes closed and her breathing heavy. He knew that it would be a tricky manoeuvre to avoid waking her. So gently, he moved his arm to beneath her, carefully lifting her in his arms as he stood from the sofa. He gazed down at her face, so angelic and calm. Nodding at his sister as he left the room, Fergal headed towards his bedroom. It was just as he reached the very top of the staircase that her eyes began to flicker open gently. She smiled looking up at Fergal, "Hiya Devitt."

He made it to his childhood room, laying her down on his lego bedsheets. The pair laid on said bed in a peaceful company. She rested on top of his torso, entwined with him. Her mouth moved upward, as her lips sought his. She moved into the kiss pulling him into her, now kneeling atop him. Her hands began to explore him, running over every part of him, getting closer and closer. She began to rub him, where she was kneeling over his body. Fergal could scarcely breathe. He broke from the kiss. "Babe we can't do this now, they'll hear us. My parents are asleep right down the hall." He rubbed her back in soft circles as he whispered.

"Devitt, I won't see you again for ages." She pouted, batting her eyelids.

He paused, making his mental decision. He flipped her over, so that he was on top of her, and was now in control. Leaning down, he pulled her into a kiss.


"Devitt," Bayley whispered, her breath on the side of his face, "Sweetie, you've gotta wake up, it's Christmas."

His eyes flickered open reluctantly, he smiled to himself, feeling his arm around his girl. He couldn't help but oversleep with her, it was just that he could hardly sleep without her, on the rare occasion she shared his bed, he slept like a log.

She too smiled, moving slightly and realising how sore she was from the night before.

"Babe what time is it?" Fergal groaned.

"8.30. Your sister just texted me from her room to ask if we were awake." Bayley, ran her fingers lazily down his jawline, tracing his features as she spoke.

She ran her fingers slowly across his face, reaching his lips and pausing as he laid soft kisses on the tips of her fingers. She smiled, leaning down to kiss him. "Come on now sweetheart, it's Christmas."


Bayley was surprised to see that the members of the Devitt family had been thoughtful enough to buy her a few presents, going as far as to even fill a stocking for her. But the man who had been the most thoughtful had indeed been Mr. Fergal Devitt.

She'd been handed a small box, neatly wrapped in LEGO themed paper with a gift tag that said quite simply: To Pam (Bab-ley), From Devitt. She gently open the box, laid on the jewellery pillow was a dainty bracelet with four charms, each with a tiny letter. O-Y-A-Y. Bayley smiled, knowing immediately that it was an acronym for their phrase; only you, always you. "Fergie it's beautiful, thank you." She leaned across to hug him, smiling as she saw him blush. "Open yours." She handed him a silver envelope.

Inside said envelope, he found two tickets to a two day trip to Paris. "I got the days off work from house shows. It's all inclusive, flights, hotel, food, drink everything." She smiled, any excuse to see her man she would take.
"This is incredible, baby thank you. It's in a week and a half?" He leaned across to hug her, she nodded in answer to his question.

"Say cheese!" Bayley giggled, taking a photo of Fergal with his nieces and nephew. There was something so adorable about seeing him with children, they just seemed to adore him. She continued to type something to his phone.

"What are you doing?" Fergal laughed, talking to Bayley as he played with one of the youngest girls.

"I mighttt have posted that picture to your twitter." Bayley laughed handing the phone back to him. She glanced her watch, sighing "I've got to get ready to go Ferg. My flight leaves tonight don't forget."

Fergal nodded, his mood dampened. He followed her to his room, ready to help her preparation. He chuckled slightly to himself, "Oh babe why'd ya have to post that picture?"

"There's something quite sexy about a man whose good with children." She teased him, giggling as his cheeks grew pink. She shut the bedroom door behind Fergal, "Talking of sexy, I actually have another Christmas present for you Fergie."

She handed him a gift bag, he moved through the tissue paper; realising that it was lingerie. "Baby you're so flirty today." He pulled her closer to him.

She kissed his lips softly, pulling away just as he began to deepen the kiss. "Paris." She left him, standing with the gift bag in hand.

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