Chapter 13

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"You did well out there tonight Pam." Colby pulled Bayley into his arms and kissed her forehead.
"Aw you too Colbster." Bayley looked up at Colby, her chin resting on his chest.
"Colbster?" Colby laughed, moving a piece of Bayley's hair from her face as she gently eased out of the hug.

She looked around for Fergal, had he disappeared? But no one else seemed to be searching for him. Bayley felt as though he wasn't saying something, he was leaving out something. Something wasn't right between them and she didn't know what it was. Bayley looked around the busy room once more, had she actually seen him in the first place? She knew that she was tired but didn't think she was tired enough to be having hallucinations. But she had been sure she had seen him?

"You alright there Pam?" Colby scrunched his eyebrows in a concerned manner.
"Oh... yeah. Just got lost in thought." She laughed blushing.

"Hiya!" Mercedes ran up to Bayley and Colby. Bayley laughed, how did Mercedes always manage to have so much energy. "Dude have you see the epic catering this place has backstage?" Mercedes' eyes grew wide with passion for the buffet table served for the wrestlers.

"No, I was just about to go grab something to eat." Bayley smiled.

"I've gotta go talk to Kevin. I'll see you guys?" Colby hugged Bayley good bye as he left the room.

Mercedes and Bayley began to make their way towards catering.
"So how you been anyway? Feels like forever since we got to hang out." Mercedes rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"Hey! Whatcha mean by that eye roll Merc?" Bayley stopped in the corridor.

"It's just, you've only been with Colby lately. I don't mind hanging out with Austin, Ashley, Rami,Enzo and Collin. It's just... you're my best friend you know?" Mercedes sighed, offering a somber smile.

"Dude!" Bayley hugged Mercedes laughing, she paused her giggles suddenly more serious, "I'm sorry I've been hanging with Colby a lot lately. I'll make time for you I promise. You're my partner in crime, girl, I'm sorry."

"Dude!" Mercedes hugged Bayley back. "Soooo, I can't believe you're with Colby! I could never have imagined that you guys would be a thing!"

"Really? You could never of imagined?" Bayley's thoughts began to doubt whatever situation she had going with Colby.

"To be honest." Mercedes paused, "I always kinda imagined you'd end up with a guy like Fergal."


"You guys always had chemistry, I guess, there was always something between you two. Maybe it was in the way you looked at each other or something-"

"Mercedes why are you saying this?" Bayley sighed interrupting Mercedes.

"Well I can say all this now, you're happy with Colby now." Mercedes smiled.

"Well, don't say this stuff. Okay?"

"Jeeze, alright."

The pair continued walking towards catering.

"Merc?" Bayley's voice was quiet with anxiety, "I think I like Ferg."

Mercedes was silent for what seemed like an eternity to Bayley, "I know."

"Dude you should of told me that I like him!" Bayley sighed, what had she done?

"I thought you knew, it's pretty damn obvious girl." Mercedes spoke softly.

Bayley began to wish she had told Fergal her feelings, then at least she could move on with her life, knowing for sure that he did not like her.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air, talk later Merc." Bayley left, leaving Metcedes outside catering.

Bayley stepped onto the balcony of the arena, you could see everything from up there. Down below, a city bustling. The people on the streets were ants to Bayley, they were ants only when she braved looking downwards; scared to do so beforehand through fear of falling. Up above her, the clear night sky made way for an abundance of stars.

People say that a night sky is black. Children draw night skies with a black marker pen, the sky is described as obsidian, or coal. But a night sky isn't black. It's an incredible potion of blues and purples, all swirled into one big sky. Scatter onto it, stars that illuminate the sky; and the kind of bright moon that young dreamers dance under.

Bayley had always loved the night, she enjoyed the day you see. However in the day there always seemed to be a set timetable of events. The night however, she was free. It was her, the stars and the moon.

Bayley sighed, wherever Fergal was, he would be looking up at the same big moon. She had to cut out this Fergal rubbish, get it into her head that they would never work out. She had made her decision and she vowed to stick to it.

She felt a presence join her in silence on the balcony, brushing against her arm. She briefly looked at him, confirming that he was in fact Colby.

Bayley allowed a slight smile to reach her lips as she leaned her head against him, still staring up at those stars. She had Colby. She had the stars.

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