Chapter 22

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"So what's your plans for today?" Liam asked as he bit into his slice of toast.

Bayley glanced slightly at Fergal before turning back to her brother, "I was thinking that this morning I'm going to show Ferg around Newark, then this afternoon we'll help get everything ready for thanksgiving tomorow."

"Sounds good to me." Fergal nodded smiling, "I'll just go grab my coat then." Fergal left.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. My girlfriend is gonna be here for about an hour this afternoon." Liam began to flush pink.

"Hold up?" Bayley interrupted him, "How comes you never told me about this girlfriend of yours? What's her name, who is she?"

"Hey, you didn't tell me about Fergal! Look, I need you to do me a favour. Her name's Emma, she's really nice and really pretty. The problem is that she's way out of my league. I need you to talk to her, I really like her... but I'm scared she's just using me."

"Baby bro! Of course I'll talk to her. It's so cute how you talk about her, you get this twinkle in your eyes and you blush. You're such a sweetheart." Bayley smiled lovingly at her brother. Liam chuckled slightly to himself, prompting her to ask him, "What Li?"

"That's what Fergal does when he's with you, or looks at you, or mentions you even. He gets that little sparkle in his eyes." a grin began to stretch across Liam's face.

Bayley flushed a deep red, a smile growing on her lips. Their conversation though was interrupted by Fergal, who had just come downstairs. "You ready to leave Pam?" She stood up from her seat at this, walking towards the front door where he was standing, holding her coat so that he could help her put it on. He did so gently, carefully moving her hair so that it was on the outside of the jacket.

They left, stepping into the brisk morning air, softly closing the door behind them. "I hope you're hungry." Bayley smiled as she began to walk down the garden path. "This place we're going does the best breakfast I've ever had. My first wrestling trainer took me and some other new recruits here to celebrate our first month of training."

"The first month of wrestling training is always the worst." Fergal reached out, holding her hand in his and taking Bayley rather by suprise.

"Devitt?" Bayley had to ask him


"You know you wanted to take things slowly? How slowly?" Bayley paused, not really wanting an answer, "It's just that tomorrow my entire extended family are gonna be here for thanksgiving. I'm not sure what to introduce you as Dev."

Fergal paused, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the wintery forest that they were walking through. He knew that it was now or never.

"Pam, I wanted this moment to be all romantic and shit for you. But like, this forest is almost as beautiful as you are so I guess this is as good a place as any." He smiled, Bayley simply giggled at his corny compliment. he produced a small jewellry box from his coat pocket, quickly saying "It's not a ring don't worry."

He opened the box, revealing a delicate silver necklace, a four leaf clover. "Pam, I love you more than I love anything else. You are my everything. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Bayley broke into a huge smile, "Of course!" She pulled herself closer to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her chin on his chest so that she was looking up at him. "Devitt, for me... it's you. Only you and always you. Don't you ever doubt that." She went up on her tiptoes, kissing him with passion.

"Will you wear it?" he asked blushing, gesturing towards the necklace. He was always so doubtful of himself when it came to Bayley. She turned so that her back was facing him, lifting her hair off the back of her neck so that he could clasp the necklace for her. He did so gently, his fingers carefully laying the clasped chain on her neck. He was nervous of clasping her soft skin in it, or a strand of her hair. She was precious, he would never hurt her in any way, he would protect her at all costs. Now that she was his, his fears had doubled. And yet now they were official, he felt complete. Though he had been missing something all this time.

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