Chapter 11

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"Nope." Pamela crossed her arms, raising one eyebrow at Colby, a mischievous smirk on her face.

"What?" Colby chuckled.

"I'm too tired to walk." Bayley batted her eyelashes at Colby, before jumping onto his back.

"Pam!" Colby laughed as he secured her into a 'piggy-back'. The couple walked down the corridor, well, Colby walked and Bayley clung onto his back.

Bayley began to think about all that had happened in the last few days, Bayley and Colby weren't an official couple, but they had agreed to go on a few dates, hang out and just see how things turned out. For the time being, the pair were simply enjoying each other's company and joking around. For Bayley, this was an ideal arrangement. She was not ready to be in a serious relationship, the emotional wounds from Aaron had barely healed over yet. But she needed something to occupy her mind, someone with which to have fun with, someone who could make her laugh. For Bayley, Colby Lopez fitted this description perfectly.

However, there was still a slight problem for Bayley, she wasn't sure that she had many romantic feelings for him. In fact, she wasn't sure that she had any romantic feelings towards him. Part of her knew that she wouldn't ever see him as anything but her friend.

When her lips had been locked with his, she felt no spark and no energy. She didn't even feel the kind of nerves that come with a first kiss. Bayley began to worry that she was still emotionless. Bayley began to worry that she would never feel again.

In the back of her mind there was still Fergal. She knew that she should get over him, that there had never even been any kind of relationship there to begin with. But something drew her to him. He was always there in her mind; she would turn to make a joke to him, or a comment, or to ask a question. But there was no one there. She could not shake the feeling that she could one day be with him.

Bayley buried these feelings to the back of her mind, Colby was there. He made her laugh, he made her feel safe. Bayley had to focus on what was real, and a relationship with Fergal Devitt would never be real.

"Hey Rami!" Bayley dropped down from Colby's back and ran over to give him a hug.

"Hey you guys, what you been up to?" Rani smiled politely.

"Just hanging out." Colby hugged Bayley from behind, planting a kiss at the back of her head.

"Oh yeah?" Rami felt uncomfortable, obviously Fergal had not said anything to Bayley, but had Colby?

"Dude." Bayley turned so that her eyes met with Colby's, "We can tell Rami right?"

Colby nodded in response, "Sure, it's only Rami."

"Tell me what?" Rami began to fear the worst.

"We... are giving us a try. Nothing official... yet." Colby smiled as he explained the situation.


"Look man, I don't know how best to break this to you?" Rami's voice was pained as he was faced with telling his best friend the bad news.
"What? What's up Rami?" Fergal grew more worried as the moments passed. He pressed his phone to his ear and hoped that the news would not be that bad.

"It's Pam..."

"What! Is she hurt? Is she okay? What's happened?" Fergal's heart was beating at four hundred miles an hour.

"No. It's not that, she's with Colby. They're a couple now."

Fergal lost all breath, it was as though his world had stopped.
"I don't know what happened man, from what I can tell he took her out to some fancy place and I guess asked her out." Rami sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't do more to help... I-I."

"I was too late."

Fergal left his apartment in a hurry, grabbing his car keys on his way out. He knew that if he could just reach her now... he could... Fergal wasn't sure what he'd say when he saw her...But he had to get to her. He had to see Bayley. Fergal programmed the destination into his GPS, and drove.

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