Chapter 10

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"Leah, you don't even know the half of it." Bayley sighed and lent back in her chair. It had been so long since she had had a heart to heart with one of her closest friends Leah, better known as Carmella. The two had formed a close bond during their NXT days, however they each led busy lives; and the fact that that they were signed to different brands did not help. It was a rare treat to be able to FaceTime each other to catch up, but for Bayley, Leah was her go to for advice. Especially in such tricky situations.

"Wait, so what did you say once he told you about his feelings?" Leah tried to wrap her head round the problem.

"I don't even remember, it was all such a blur. I was just so taken aback. I told him... that I was flattered, but that our friendship was too important to me." Bayley was desperate for advice at this point.

"Sister. Look, why don't you just go for it with him. Sounds to me like you don't really have a reason not to, Ferg helped you when you were at your most vulnerable; of course you're going to have some kinda feelings for him. But honestly sister, I don't see anything happening with him."

"It's just..."

"I get that you're still in a state where it's hard for you to trust a guy, you know... after Aaron. But girl, I don't think Colby's like that. And if anything, being with another guy is the best way to get over Aaron."

"Leah... I don't know."

"There's no harm in it, that's all I'm saying. What's the worst that could happen? He's a good looking man, hell if I was single I'd go for him."

"It's just, Ferg... I-I..."

"Boooo, no. Look, if something was going to happen with him it would've happened by now. Anyway, I don't think your feelings for him are real. Tell me this, why is it that even though you've known him for years, you only started having feelings for him when you were at your most broken."

Bayley opened her mouth as though to say something but the words would not come out.

"Dude, you were vulnerable and looked to him to be your knight in shining armour. There's nothing real there and I know feelings for Ferg are only going to hurt you. I just, I can't watch you get hurt again."

Bayley sat and thought, "Okay."

"Yes Pam?" Leah smiled, "What was that?"

"Alright, I'll give Colby a chance." Bayley said.

"Girl! Go get him now." Leah jumped from her chair.

"What? I mean I can't just get him now!" Bayley couldn't help but laugh at her friend sometimes.

"Sister! Go get him now, love you lots babe." Leah hung up the phone.

Bayley sat in silent thought, Fergal would never be interested in her. So why was she sitting around waiting for him to show just a hint of interest in her when there was a perfectly good man interested in her.

She sent a text to the contact saved as Colbypoo on her phone.

B: Hey! x

C: Hey Pam x

B: Whatcha up to like right now? x

C: Nothing haha, just watching tv in my hotel room x

B: Your hotel room is 231 right? x

C: Sure, why? x

Bayley did not bother to reply. She marched out of her hotel room, pausing only to lock the door behind her. She marched straight down the hall, stopping right outside room 231. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door, Colby Lopez answered said door with a slightly confused look upon his face.
"Pam? What are you-"

Bayley interrupted his words, by pulling him into a deep kiss.

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