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Princess Arabella's P.O.V

The door opened and I see a young man who looks familiar to me. I stand up from the bay window seat and walk slowly until......

"Miss me Bumblebee?" The only one who knows that nickname is my brother.

"Keith, is that you?" I start to run and jump in his arms.

"I missed you; it's been so lonely here without you. Well that was until the house started filling up with people" He turned to see Daphane.


Keith's P.O.V

It's so good to see my sister again. I missed her, I'm glad she is doing well. I turn to see she has a new friend.

"Keith, this is Daphane, my new companion. Daphane, this is my brother Keith" We both stare at each other for a minute and I walk in front of her. She looks so nervous and shy, I hold out my hand to her.

"It's nice to meet you to Prince Keith" She sakes my hand and I don't know if she shocked me or what, but I feel a slight sting when I shake her hand. I pull it away and so does she. "Call me Keith"


Princess Arabella's P.O.V

I see what happened there; my brother had a vision for a minute. I think Daphane is his life mate. Whether they want to deny it or not, I can see the attraction in their eyes. It won't be long til they give into their urges for each other.

"Daphane, why don't you take my brother into the sitting room, I bet he wants to see Liza and Gordon. I'll be joining you shortly"

They exit my room and I immediately go to Father's study and tell him that Keith is back. So we both walk to the sitting room to see them all gathered together talking and eating finger sandwiches. "Keith" My Father said while holding his arms out and giving him a hug.

"I hope you didn't alert your Mother" He says as a warning.

"Keith I hope you don't mind sleeping in the room next to Daphane."

"Sis, can I talk to you please? He said in a worry tone.

"Sure, Daphane will you come with us?."

"Well if you excuse me I must get back to my work, son, I'm glad your back for a visit" My Father said as he left. We left after him, going into Keith's "room". Once inside he shut the door.

"Arabella, its time you learn the truth about Mother" He said in a serious tone, he doesn't call me by my name unless it's serious.

"You heard I was banished right for killing another Jon right? Well I didn't kill him, Mother did." I looked at him in shock and confusion.

"How could she and why would she tell you to take the blame?" He continued to explain.

"Mother didn't like the idea that Jon fell in love with a human and got her pregnant. So she ambushed him one night and killed him in the basement cellar, I had gotten lost exploring and I heard a scream and I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Mother then blamed me, so she put my fingerprints on him and smeared Jon's blood on me and called the police to take me away. At first the police was apprehensive that a 17 year old, especially the Prince, could kill his best friend. I was found guilty and well banished, but now I figured since the heat has died down some, that I could come back to see my darling Bumblebee and dear old Dad. So how is she these days?"

I looked at him then the floor and out the window. "Mother has put us in great danger" He stood up and walked toward me. "The Shadow Hunters are coming" I stood up and ended up next to the window.

"Mother has borrowed money from them to pay her gambling debts, she has spent some of the kingdoms money. We're fine now, but I know they are coming. The letters come to the house every other day, I'm scared. What if they kill us?" At that point tears started filling my eyes and I felt Daphane's hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you Daphane." Keith shook his head and hit the wall with his fist.

"Does Father know" I told him, "No, he doesn't. She has kept this a secret for a while, but the Shadows Hunters are coming the day after tomorrow." I look at Daphane. 'You will go with the others tomorrow, do not worry Liza and Gordon will be with you as well."

"The Shadow Hunters hate humans and most of all people who don't return their money." Just then we hear a knock on the door and Daphane goes to open it. It is Father and he has heard everything we said and he enters and sits in the nearby chair.

"Is it true, your Mother has borrowed from the Shadow Hunters and gambling this kingdoms money away?" I turn to him and open a drawer in the dresser. I hand him the letters from the Shadow Hunters.

"I was a fool to think she was a perfect angel. Ever since I found out I was to become King, she has changed and even now its worse."

I walk towards my Father. "It's ok D....Da....Dad"

He looks at me, I haven't called him Dad since I was little. I was always told by Mother that I shouldn't call him that, so I called him Father ever since.

He stands and walks towards Keith. "Is it true that she also killed Jon?" He nods. "I have never knew my wife, she is definitely not the girl I fell in love with. With that he opened the door and left. Armed with the letters in hand, he went to go find Mother. 

Author's note: Guys so, before my winter break is up and I return to the University, I will try to update this as much as possible like every Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I need those other two days for my other story, even though I just updated that one too. o read it, its called, To The Dearest Intruder and Ice Queen and Tsugimori, I'm hoping to use that one for my Senor Showcase next year. 

I'm also wanting to make something interesting happen with Daphane and Keith, I don't know what yet, but it'll come to me. Oh yea just to let yall know a little romance will come soon, as well as sexy time, lol. I get into detail with that. Enjoy please,

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