Chapter 2 - Attention

Start from the beginning

"Have you applied in any other college? That can't be your only choice, you know!" Kyle applies, taking off his jacket and setting it on the back of the chair. He runs his hand throw his short blond curly hair as he leans against the table. "I've gotten a positive response from every school I applied to, but since dad wants me to go to Harvard, so be it. That's a fucking good school, so why not?" Kyle brags about his success.

"The only school I want to go is Lyre. Why should I even consider something else, huh?" Jordan sits behind me, his long legs touching my chair legs. Every time he moves, my chair shakes. After a minute or two, his left leg taps against mine. The vibrations travel up to my body, sending tension from my back to my arm, what's gripping an edge of the table. I close my eyes in discomfort and my knuckles turn almost white as I tighten my grip to the cold wooden table.

"That must be one patient lady that can sit without getting annoyed with you inpatients!" I hear Kyle say behind me, I forbid myself to turn and say nothing.

"I guess I made the right choice then!" Jordan replies, leaning back into his chair, now all lims stretched out.

Tap, tap, tap.

I murmur but say nothing.


"Like always, don't forget to write everything you think about the story. I will collect your papers on Tuesday, I want them to be ready then." Our teacher, Ms David says, closing her laptop and tacking books on her table. The bell rings and everybody shuffle toward the door. I put back on my jacket and collect my books before exiting as well. "Mr Decker, can I have a word with you?" She says as Jordan puts his stuff away, that makes him stay phut, letting out a huff of a breath. Even I know why she had to speak to him. I think everyone knew. Even though Jordan was all brains and looks, he often forgot to hand over his homework.

Annabell David has been our English teacher only a few months, she's in her forties with long blonde curly hair are usually in a pony tail.

I'm out the door with only 5 seconds, but I stop on my tracks, when I hear her start a conversation with him. "Have you any idea why I made you stay here with me?" She asks her, annoyingly.

"Is it about my grades? I think not." Jordan replies, a note of sarcasm in his voice.

"Of course not. I just might say that you have been doing a great job, being an A-grade student, I can say that I have nothing bad to say about your work."

I tiptoe back to the door and stay hidden while I peak in.

"So then about what?" He replies, putting back on his jacket, running his fingers throw his hair.

I look at Ms David and she looks flushed, her cheeks slightly red, lips pursed and her eyes have a sparkling in them. Then it hits me.

And then it hits him.

She likes him.

She. Likes. Him.

Oh, God, she likes him.

I think every old geezer in this town run after young girls, but Ms David. She's one of them, just a woman-version of a middle-aged sex-hungry hunter, who sees the Golden boy as her next pray.

Oh jeez, I think I'm going to throw up.

I cover my mouth just in time, stopping a small scream and 'oh'.

"I think it's my time to go."Jordan says after a while, taking his books. But she stops him.

" You know guys like you like older woman. Maybe if you are like most of them," she steps closer to him, barely a foot separating them," you should let that little skank of yours go, so you could progress to someone older and..."

I look both of them, Jordan seems confused and our teacher seems to have her hormones all over the place.

"Ms David! I do apologize if I have made you think that I have any attention to leave Tiffany, then you are most mistaken. A woman your age should be happily married, not chasing down young men." He stops for a moment, taking a long step back.

" If I should leave my girlfriend for anyone. It wouldn't be you. It would be a girl I like."

All I can think of is that 'nicely put'! He stayed calm. I turn myself, leaning against the white-tiled wall. People pass me, hallway starts to buzz from all students sharing their stories about their Spring break, but nobody knows what I do. Except Jordan. The minute he exits, he sends me a look- empty, disturbed and angry. I don't think he knows that I had heard it all, but I keep looking at him. Ms David had crossed her line, but it wasn't going to me who will report about that. If I would, he would never forgive me. And if he didn't know me now, he would after that. I won't be the one who will catch a guys attention by doing something so bad. This didn't concern me. Few more months, SAT's and I'm on my way to NY, where I can forget all about that.

Finally I teared my gaze at him, lowering my head. He stood there for a moment until Parker, his teammate slapped his back and they walked away.

And like I said earlier, everybody liked him. But apparently one teacher liked him more.

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