I furrowed my eyebrows at the caller ID. Why did he keep on calling me?

"Andwae (no way)! Be strong Aira, don't answer him", I firmly reminded myself and stomped my feet on the sand


"I'm a strong girl. I can't be weak"


"Not falling for it", I crossed my arms


"I will throw this phone to the ocean if it rang once again", I dumbly threatened my non-living gadget and surprisingly it stopped

"Oh, it worked?" I flipped my phone and looked at it thoroughly, "It stopped", it came out like a disappointment in my tone but no one except me was there to hear

I walked towards the empty main road, having enough of the walk as the weather got really cold

Suddenly I had goosebumps, I thought it was because of the cold breeze, but it felt more like someone's watching me. But I might be paranoid.

Shivering, I hugged myself and hurriedly walked towards the guest house. My eyes kept looking everywhere for some reason, but there's not many people around. Only a couple of employees in a convenience store and a black audi car parked around the corner. This felt more creepier since I was currently alone but-


"Shoot that scared me!" I held my chest out of surprise and looked at my phone

It's Hyungwon again.

My instinct was supposed to be ignoring him, but this time, I had this urge to answer him. Like my heart was telling me to press the green button.

"Should I..?" I bit my lip hard and thought hard about it. My finger pressed the button in a fast manner, making the time showed indicating we're connected

Pressing the phone to my ear, I didn't utter a single word and the voice I had been longing for was heard from the other line

"Oh sh- she picked up! Aira? Can you hear me?!" I bit my lip hard so I won't laugh at his over-excited voice

"Aira", he softly called and it made me tear up, "Baek Aira"

I felt like suffocating when he called my full name which such tone, I missed him so much.

Staying silent, I can hear his deep sigh before saying, "Aira, I perfectly understand if you don't want to speak to me, but can you please let me know if you're listening?"

Again I remained still, "Tap the screen twice for me, Aira", My fingers were heavily trembling but I managed to do it


I can feel his smile from the other line as he breathed out in relief, "Hello baby"

Covering my mouth immediately before I let out a sound, I was caught off guard by the way he greeted me. I could hear my heart pounding so loud already

"I know you must be mad, angry, confused and distraught right now. You probably hate me right now", he sadly chuckled

I don't, I can't hate you...

"Life has been a rollercoaster for us, hasn't it? Ah why am I talking like this? You hate people who stall yet look at me doing it. To simply say I'm sorry would be an understatement. The way I treated you, pushed you away and hurt you didn't deserve to be easily forgiven. I was a coward, Aira. I was too afraid to take risks that I ended up hurting you. I can't imagine living without you, but living in a world where you don't exist made me numb. That's why I said those awful words to you, to keep you away so that you will be safe from Mr. Han or anyone that has any intention of hurting you"

Mission 2: Marry Chae Hyungwon ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin