[Lap Dance⭐]

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It was a quiet and boring night in their dorm not until they've decided to play a certain game.

A game was quite simple. All they need to do is form a circle and place an empty bottle in the middle. Yes, the famous "spin the bottle" game. But, it's quite different for them.

The rule of the game is to write a certain task fold it and place it at the fishbowl that they have. The task is either a punishment or a reward but neither of the two, you have no choice but to do it once the tip of the bottle points at you.

And Vixx, being a not-so-normal group, took the game to the next level. All the task is considered as punishment its depends to you on how you'll take it. Like for example, Ken got the task to dial the 21st person on his contacts and ask it out on a date. It was fun, only if, it wasn't their CEO.

And the fun continuous. Until now that the bottle points to Leo. He hate it at first but he don't have a choice. He picked a task, and to his surprise it was something unusual. A wild one.

Task: To receive a lap dance from one of the members while being blindfolded for 20 seconds. You'll never know who will give you a lap dance so better enjoy :)

"Woah.. That's intense.."

Said Hongbin. The task gave Leo the chills and he swear to god whoever did this he will kill that person.

"But how we're going to choose who's going to give him the lap dance?"

"Yeah, Hyuk was right."

All of them was thinking for a while.

"How about make it simple? A kai,bai,bo will do, I guess?"

Ravi continued. And all of them agreed but first they sat Leo on a chair and blindfolded him but with an extra twist, they've tied his hands at the back of the chair. Leo was hissing at the pain at first not until he felt an ass sat on his lap for a seconds and stood up again, that's the time he realized that the "punishment" had already started and the punisher had long chosen.


I swear this is the longest 20 seconds of my life. I felt so dizzy. I don't know whether to stay calm or curse all the hell out of me. This guy in front of me is giving me a hard time. Literally hard. I could feel my junior being wild with the every attempt of this guy to place his shooking ass in to my peaceful anatomy. I want to curse out loud but I'm afraid that it would turn out into an abnormal moan. And I wouldn't do that just to satisfy this man, NO! especially in front of devilish member of mine.

You may say that I'm exaggerating, but if you're in my place you will regret being with this people.

I've never been into heat for who knows how long then suddenly this happened. Thank to this guy.

I could feel, well I tried hard, that my surrounding became quite silent. All I could hear was an occasional gulp from them. I'm wondering who is this person that all of us became heated just because of his dance and the mere fact that the other members are just watching but still having a hard time makes me insane. goddammit.

5 seconds left and this guy gave it all out. And I'm a mess. My sweat is all over my body and junior is going wild. I need to unleash the devil that was formed inside him.

And 20 seconds of hell has ended. They removed the tie on my hand first and they let me to remove my blindfold.

As I removed my blindfold, I looked at my members only to be welcomed by their amused face. Sweats all over their faces and I could feel that same heat that I'm having rightnow. To know who is that guy is an understatement but the important thing right now is to remove my hard time.

I'll find that shooking guy that removed Taekwoon junior's innocence. He's been hibernating for a long time and now he's finally awake. And to that guy, I'll make sure he will have the taste of the war he started, and thanks to that sinful lap dance ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


Hey yo! I'm back. Showing you the wild side of Vixx. How's your holiday guys? Anyway, enjoy this chapter and anticipate for more.

As always I love you to the moon and back.

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