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"one more time?" soonyoung asks, breathing heavily and glistening in sweat.

seulbin nods, playing the song again. they get into position, and as the whistling part came, the start walking of to the center. they start the dance with soonyoung's solo before he goes to seulbin and starts with the first sexy parts.

soonyoung smiles in relief as they go through the pre-chorus without any awkwardness. it was now when soonyoung has to grab her bottom, which still makes him flustered.

soon enough, the song finishes and they both collapsed on the cold hard wood floor of the studio. it was midnight and the pair had been working their butts off to finish and polish off the choreography.

soonyoung was quite surprised that seulbin agreed to stay until this late just to finalize the choreography. most of his past collaborations with other dancers ended badly, they would complain staying in around midnight. however, seulbin was something else, and soonyoung admired her a lot for her sense of professionalism. as he spent time with her in the studio, he had noticed how much seulbin worked hard in everything she did. she would put in so much passion in every movement, no matter how tiring or awkward the course was. she was one of the most admirable dancer he's ever seen and he loved that about her.

"it's two in the morning," seulbin states, her arms raised whilst looking at the time on her watch.

hoshi wipes his sweat off with a towel. "should we call it a day? we've been here the whole time. you should go back and rest, seulbin."

"how about you?" seulbin asks, sitting straight up.

soonyoung replies, "i'll stay here."

"then, i'll stay here too. i won't leave until you would. we should both go back and rest, soonyoung-ssi. we've both worked hard today." she smiles, getting up from her seat to get some water.

soonyoung tries to hold back a wide smile, "fine, let's call it a day. i still have to practice for my examination the whole day tomorrow. but could we practice one last time?"

"sure, let's do that then." seulbin nods enthusiastically even though he could tell she was obviously exhausted. she closes up her water bottle before getting into position. she watches as her partner walks over to the speakers to play the song. once it starts once again, they have a run through everything they had practiced earlier.

nan troua-a-able
trouble trou troublemaker

the short instrumental came and they were both back to back. they stayed like that until the last 'troublemaker' where seulbin turns soonyoung around, touching his shoulders. when the closing instrumental plays, seulbin walks back and soonyoung follows on before he pulls her by the waist and do the ending position wherein they were both facing each other.

the song ends, and both of them were panting heavily. it just came to be that they were staring deep into each other's eyes. he was caught up, noticing in every detail of her face. the next song on shuffle plays but all soonyoung could hear was his heavy breathing and the fast beating of his heart.

 the next song on shuffle plays but all soonyoung could hear was his heavy breathing and the fast beating of his heart

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"fuck, you're so beautiful." soonyoung blurts out, staring at her concentratedly. seulbin may be sweaty and her hair was slightly messed up but none of that mattered at all, to soonyoung at least. this moment right now, with her in his arms, was already beautiful. soonyoung wished time would stop, he wished this moment could last forever.

seulbin was surprised with his words, her cheeks growing even more warmer.

"i-i," seulbin stammers, looking at soonyoung. "i.. think i'm starting to like you."

and soonyoung swore his heart leaped out of his chest. he lets out a tired but ecstatic smile, "great, because i like you too, for a long time now. i like you a lot."

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