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"next up, we have: kwon soonyoung." their choreographer-nim says through the microphone earning cheers from the audience filled with other dance students and teachers.

soonyoung lets out a deep breath as he enters the stage with his practiced confident gaze. everyone cheers for him, all excited to see how he will do. he goes to his starting position, briefly looking at the audience. he stops as soon as he sees seulbin getting seated in the very back with her friends. his heart was already beating so fast.

he had to be the best stage today, he swore himself that. he had two main goals for this day. he had prove himself to everyone– especially the sunbaenims– that he has the talent and maybe to impress a certain someone, that is.

the music starts and soonyoung turns serious, turning all his attention and focus on the dance now. his tensed body seems to soften up and move naturally to the music, just like how he had practiced.

soonyoung goes all in on the dance, pouring in all his energy, mind, body and soul onto the performance. everyone stares at him in awe and the board of teachers nod in approval as they watch the deserving boy take the stage. everyone in the auditorium was astonished by his passionate performance.

as soon as the music stops, everyone gets up on their feet as they cheer and applause for him. soonyoung smiles, feeling proud of himself. he knew he did well, and for once, he finally believed in himself.

"soonyoung-ah, you did so good." his choreographer-nim says through the microphone, a proud smile planted on his face. he bows to him and listens to the other teachers say their comments. after all the praises and comments, they all wait for the final say.

"pass!" the teachers exclaim, making soonyoung jump in joy. he bows to them, thanking them. everyone was cheering for him because they all knew he would pass. he deserved to.

he leaves the stage and some of his friends waiting for their turn engulf him in congratulatory hugs and handshakes. soonyoung thanks them all, glancing sidewards to see his competitor slash friend, kino, enter the stage.

he grabs his stuff before exiting the backstage. as he walks back to his studio, he stops upon seeing seulbin and her friends a few meters away from him. he blushes, looking down as he stands in front of studio 01.

"kwon soonyoung!"

he turns around and sees her approaches him with a wide grin on her face. the last time he had seen her was three days ago, the same time they had both ended up confessing to each other. the next day few days were all spent for the examination practice. they hadn't met up since then but they've chatted a lot through text.

"you did so good today! i knew you would pass." seulbin says, making him smile wide. what happened next made him shocked because the girl had engulfed him in a hug.

they break apart from the hug a few moments later and a very flustered soonyoung was smiling widely. "thanks, seul. i shall see you for our last practice, same time tomorrow?"

she nods before bidding him a goodbye and walks back to her friends. with that, he immediately gets back inside his studio and upon hearing the door close behind him, he throws his fist in the air in happiness.

soonyoung succeeded to meet his goals today and he's never been so happy.

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