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"five, six, seven, eight.." soonyoung counts to himself as he starts his choreography. his once stiff movements comes up more naturally is time, his body becoming one with the music.

this routine was the hardest for him but he had been practicing until six in the morning every day for this. he needed pass his academy examinations coming in the following week. this was the most crucial process. if he didn't pass, he wouldn't graduate. to add up to that, he was one of the best dancers in class so everyone had high expectations from him.

as he was about to reach the chorus, the door opens revealing soonyoung's friend, lee chan. soonyoung stops, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"chan, you're my friend and all but i'm really busy right now-"

"i was just going to leave you some food, hyung." chan cuts him off, letting out a sigh. "you haven't been eating that much while you stay until early in the morning to practice. that's not good for you, hyung."

soonyoung gaze softens at his younger friend. he felt really grateful for chan because he always takes care of him.

he smiles, turning his back around to face him. "thanks, chan-ah."

"anytime, hyung. you know that." chan smiles back, laying down the lunch box next to soonyoung's bag that was laying down beside the lockers. "please eat, okay? i don't want you to get sick."

"i will, don't worry."

"that's all, hyung. i'll see you in the dorm. goodluck!" chan waves his hand at his hyung before he leaves the room quietly. soonyoung lets out a deep breath before he goes back and plays the song again.

soonyoung dances one more time, this time with more passion. he wanted this so bad, he wanted to graduate and live his dreams.

just when he was about to finish the song, the door opens again. he stops and looks through the mirror, breathing heavily. he expected the young dongsaeng there but he was mistaken.

the person standing there was not chan, but it was his friend and classmate, yoo seulbin – the girl he secretly likes.

"i-i'm so sorry! i thought this was my practice room. i'll get going, i'm sorry!" she says, flustered. seulbin hurriedly closes the door and went off to find the right room.

as soon as he heard the door shut, soonyoung's cheeks flushed deep red, feeling more inspired to do his best.

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