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"kids, this is your very last homework for the semester before you have your examination week. i want you all to do well." rae choreographernim says and they all applaused at the thought of this being the very last homework of the year.

"shall i reveal the concept first before announcing more?" she smirks, quite excited to see how this homework would go. the students chorused enthusiastically with a 'ne!'.

"hopefully you all understand that this is not to create awkwardness but it's to train you guys to be used to this concept in future works." she starts off, "our last homework's concept is sexy. everyone will work in pairs. the more chemistry, the higher grade you get."

everyone screams in reaction, all shocked at this.

"sunbaenim!" they all whined.

"is that too much? everyone should fail then." she jokes, laughing at their stunned expressions. "fine, fine. to make things very memorable and interesting, the pairs will be boy and girl and i will be picking the pairs."

this causes another round of hoots and squeals in the room.

"now, does anyone have questions?" she asks her students who shook their heads.

"okay, i'll announce the pairs now." she takes out a piece of paper and starts reading off names. "haejoo and insook, seoyoon and kino,  jaemi and taewoo, jinyoo and chaebin, eunrin and wook and last but not the least, soonyoung and seulbin."

"find your pairs now and start discussing," rae sunbaenim says after the pep talk. soonyoung stands up, still in shock at the news. out of all people, he didn't believe he would be paired with yoo seulbin.

"soonyoung-ssi!" seulbin smiles, approaching him. he breaks out of his trance and nervously laughs at her.

"hey, seulbin." soonyoung greets, scratching his head nervously. he then suggests to sit in one of the corners of the room to discuss their homework. after they take their seats, they look at each other.

seulbin speaks up first, "so what song would you like to do?"

"well, i'm quite confident about one song.." soonyoung trails off, his cheeks turning warm at the thought of doing that song.

"okay, what is it?"

"um, t-troublemaker," soonyoung mumbles, his cheeks flushing in embarassment.

"oh my," she giggles. "shall we do that?"

"i don't know if that's fine with you but w-we can pick another song if you'd.. um, like." soonyoung fumbles on his words, still embarassed about the song choice. he had practiced it many times but now that seulbin might dance it with him, he doubted if he would be able to do it. it was a very.. touchy dance per se.

"it's fine actually. besides, you said you were confident with it so why not?" seulbin smiles making his cheeks redden.

"okay, troublemaker it is." soonyoung confirms as he grabs his phone. "should we look at sample performances to see which one we could adjust the choreography to? we can just practice later on."

she nods and helps him look for stage performances of the song. they watch verious versions of the song and everytime the very sexy parts come on the atmosphere around them turns tensed and very awkward.

a few minutes later, rae sunbaenim dismisses the class.

soonyoung gets up from his seat and extends his arm to seulbin who was still on the floor. she takes his hand, laughing it off. his heart beats at her hand touching his.

"thanks, soonyoung-ssi. practice later at four?"

soonyoung nods, giving her a smile. "yep, meet you at studio 01."

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