merry fucking christmas // happy holidays

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song: last christmas by wham! rip george michael

merry fucking christmas cuties, hanukkah also started on the 24 so happy hanukkah, and kwanzaa begins shortly as well so happy kwanzaa in advance.

for those who dont celebrate the holidays, i hope you are enjoying your school break, or enjoying your days leading up to the new year.

for those who celebrate any of the holidays but are not having the best of the times for familial, financial, or mental reasons, i wish you the best of this holiday season.

as someone who get little to nothing during the holidays, i urge those around me to be grateful for every present you got, be grateful to be near family, be grateful to be alive and in good health. just be grateful!!

i know i havent done my share of writing lately, mostly because i havent been motivated and i feel as if i dont have much to write about.

for those who are waiting on updates for any of my fanfics, im not sure if i plan on continuing. im getting to the age and point in life wheres its like "am i really gonna sit here and write fanfics" i dont wanna disappoint but we will see.

i love you all
insta: @sar.jpeg
twitter: @plvtonic

stay woke and stay safe xx

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