Chapter Eight:- I Will Hold You, In The Depths Of Your Despair

Start from the beginning

"I am in love with her," John murmurs, grabbing a can of coke for his baby girl. Ryan places a hand on John's shoulder and sighs softly, "It'd very obvious you do, John Cleo told how fragile she is, be gentle with her," Ryan informs John as John grabs another can for him trying his best to stay away from alcohol.

"I know Ryan, I wont lay a finger on her except if she is okay with it, trust me." John assures smiling at his bestfriend, "You two are made for each other," Ryan says patting John's shoulder before walking away.

on the other hand, Mia quickly rushed through the people and stood in front of Katy- The fragile little Katy. As much as Katy was  uncomfortable with Mia standing in front of her and staring at her that way, she faked a smile and looked straight onto her lap. 

"Listen Katy, Sweetheart, I want nothing but the best for you, I am just warning you for your own good, don't give yourself to him, he'll play around with you and for a week or two and then find another girl and break up with you, I don't want you to go through a heartbreak like I did, I just love you and want what's the best for you," Mia says, throwing on a fake face impression to make Katy believe her.

Katy doesn't look up from her lap, but instead starts fiddling with her finger and playing with her clutch. She can feel Mia's eyes burning on her face and her breathes loud by her ears. Mia places a finger under Katy's chin and looks straight in her eyes. Katy moves her head backwards and pushes Mia's finger away, Katy was clearly uncomfortable and slowly becoming frustrated.

"He's making you believe that you love him, I know John too well,"

Katy bites her lips pretty aggressively as she tries to hold back the harsh things she's about to say to Mia and rethinks what she is about to say. Katy looks up, raising an eyebrow, and crosses her arms.

"Do you really think I am believing all the bullshit you're saying?" Katy chuckles standing up in front of Mia. A shocked expression is slapped onto Mia's face, she wasn't expecting Katy to stand up, and talk back to her.

"And what the fuck do you mean by 'I know John too well'? You guys weren't even in a proper relationship and even if you call it a relationship, John doesn't love you, he can't fucking stand you! get over it!" Katy says, her voice deep. Her soft voice and giggly tone wasn't heard at all, Mia stood there, Jaw almost touching the floor and her eyes lids weren't closing to blink, Mia's face expression was basically blank and shocked.

"Okay I get it, I am a softie people love me. People refer to me as cute! But that doesn't mean I am gonna stand here and let you insult my man! He is not a douche! or a fuckboy! and even if you say he's a douche, then why the fuck do you keep following him around and try your best to break us apart?! Well guess what, you're trying for nothing Mia!" Katy says throwing her hands in the air, frustration in the air around her as her honesty took the best of her.

John turns around once he heard Katy's voice and he see's Mia standing in front of Katy as Katy said some words and moved her hands around, he face expression something John hasn't seen before. John is shocked too, and stares at Ryan whom had the exact same face expression everyone had.

John places the sodas on the table and slowly walks towards Katy and Mia, and slowly, Ryan follows him, curiosity and shock were the only emotions and thoughts in their brains.

"He's lying to y-you...He loves me!" Mia stutters and Katy raises her defined brow again and crosses her arms even tighter than the last time. "You're living a lie." Katy says inching her face towards Mia's. "Yes you heard me, a fucking lie!" Katy repeats, the inside of her feeling relieved and proud. As much as she was shouting, she looked innocent, cute and adorable.

John stands beside Katy and looks at her with confusion as he still wonders what is happening. "This guy right here is mine! stop!" Katy sighs looking up to John. Her breath is shaky and he eyes a little teary. John looks at her with so much love. He loved that she just called him his and argued for him, and fought for him to be hers.

Her breaths were fast and she quickly grabs her clutch. "Car keys please," She says looking down, not daring to meet John's eyes. John sticks his hand in his pocket and grabs the key to his rover and places it in Katy's hand. Katy turns around to walk away but John grabs her by her wrist gently and cups her face as he slowly leans down to place a tender kiss on his girl's forehead.

Katy walks away after John kisses her forehead, and quickly finds the door that leads to the living area that leads to the front door so she can wait for John in his car. 

John turns around, glares at Mia who looked so pissed but shocked and speechless. John clenches his fist as he reminds himself that men who hit women aren't men but disgusting creatures. John turns around and glares at Calvin.

"What the fuck Calvin? Why did you invite her!" John spits bitterly. and stares back at Mia. "She's right, I can't fucking stand you. And I swear, if I go to the car and see that Katy is pissed, you'll see something you haven't seen before." John spits and walks away.

Shannon, Sophia, and Cleo look at each other worriedly.

Thankfully, as John walks away and out of the door, he sees that Katy isn't in the car yet but stands about a meter away from it. So he runs, and quickly reaches for her arm and pulls her into his chest tightly and wraps his muscular arms around her tiny body.


its 8 am, so she lays there on top of him. The warmth of her body caressing his soft skin. They could have laid there for hours, her legs bent and separated over his, her knees pressed tight into his hips and her arms wrapped gently around his neck. He could feel her chest expand and contract on top of his as she breathed warm air that tickled the side of his neck. He tightened his grasp around her waist as he turned slightly and looked out of the window, only to find the sun's welcoming rays beginning to peek over the hills. It was dawn, and the colors in the sky were the perfect ending to a perfect night.

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