Chapter One: Strange Feelings

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Yukine's POV

Today is just like any other day, meaning in my case it's a boring ass day mostly because when your a regalia who has a stupid excuse of a God as a master life tends to get pretty boring but there was some luck I guess today me and Yato are on our way to see Hiyori. I love going to see Hiyori, Yato however for some reason hates it lately...Okay I lied I know why he hates it ...its because he can see what I think when I'm around her but I can't help myself

..its not my fault if I always think about her um ...well her...

Yato hits my head hard just as I start thinking about her "in that way"

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR" I scream at him pouting as I rub my now pulsing head.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO THINK STUPID HORNY THINGS ABOUT HIYORI!!! YOU KNOW IT HURTS ME!" he says hitting me once more rubbing his blighted neck.

"WELL I'M SORRY I CAN'T JUST STOP MY OWN BRAIN" I say crossing my arms in anger.

"WELL HOW ABOUT YOU TRY THINKING OF SOMETHING ELSE!" He screams at me as I turn to him.

"Like what?" He looks at me then pouts, thinking. "I don't know Yuki umm maybe our amazing work!!! Think about when I'm the king no God of all Gods~"

I glare at him before looking away as he just keeps going on about being the "Most amazing God there ever was".

I guess school is a good thing to think about like how Hiyori teaches me, I wonder what she'd look like in a real uniform...

"YUKINE!!! THATS IT WE'RE NOT GOING TO SEE HIYORI TODAY" He shouts pulling me in the opposite direction.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT" I protest pulling back trying to escape the pathetic Gods grasp.

"YEAH WATCH ME" He kept his word by then taking us both back to that boring shrine, that I should add doesn't even belong to him.

I guess it's my fault for thinking this stuff, its not like I really can't help it...damn I'm sorry Yato.

"That's okay Yuki I know its not all your faul-" Yato begins before I interrupt him.

"YATO STOP READING MY TH-" its then his turn to interrupt me.

"I CANT HELP IT! ..Look Yukine you need to know that you don't have a chance with her I'm not being mean but she will grow and you and I will stay like this well forever"

He says with a look that I'm sure is worry in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah I know but who else can i think ab-" Was I about to ask who I could think about in that why!!! How embarrassing!!

"Well one day I will have many Regalia so I'm sure one of them might like you a little" He sniggered.

For some reason it kinda hurts to think one day Yato may get more than just one Regalia ..what if he forgets about me like Beshimon forgot about ... about.

Crap not again why him! Not again GET OVER IT YUKINE IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO YOU WIMP! I hold my hands to my face kneeling as I feel the tears forming.

Huh? That sudden warmth is almost familiar is Yato ...hugging me?

"Look don't beat yourself up you're aloud to feel like this he was a good friend but I promise that I will never forget you Yukine"

I find myself wrapping my arms around him too he's embrace is somehow very comforting. His smell, It's so pleasant and he feels so warm. Yato slowly runs his hands down my back in order to hug me a bit more tightly yet I find myself shuddering.

What is this ...This feeling f-for Yato?

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