T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Mariah has added Bella

Ria: Oh shit look whose back😱

Bella: Where's daddy at

Mariah: I'm sorry but your father isn't in this groupchat

Mariah: Joking

Ria: DEREK!!!

Stacia: Heyyy Bella long time no text

Jack: Yeah we didn't leave off on very good terms

Derek: I was called?

Bella: Hey daddy

Bella: *Derek

Bella: I meant Derek I swear

Mariah: Mmmmm

Derek: Aye what's up Bella

Bella: Nothing

Stacia: Just fucking your man since day one

Ria: Honey no

Stacia: what?

Mariah: just no

Stacia: wow so r00d

Ria: We're joking😂😂😂

Stacia: I know

Sammy: Johnson and Jack are playing an intense game of Mario Kart


Bella: Why is small dick still here

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Bella: Why is small dick still here

Ria: Correction my husband and Sammy is the tictac

Sammy: I'm tried of you guys saying my dick is small

Mariah: You know where not lying so wym

Stacia: There you go Sammy you're gonna be needing that

Stacia: There you go Sammy you're gonna be needing that

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Sammy: Hate you guys....

Rupp: you love us😛

Ria: again whose lying to you?

Rupp: what fucking ever

Ria: I've always wanted to date a Mexican...does Jack count

Bella: Lmao

Johnson: yeah he counts he's just a wanna be Mexican

Bella: So Madison and Jack?

Jack: Ermm...

Mariah: gurl you're like 2 years late

Stacia: Madison started dating Claudia they have that child together their child is gonna be double the hoe

Ria: When I was 8 I wasn't worried about boys I was stealing golf carts with Claudia but she changed😬

Jack: Damn all I did was steal a big box of crayons

Stacia: One time I watched a girl steal my crayons fucking bitch

Nate: You guys are the weirdest people I've ever meet

Johnson: at least I didn't lose 2 dollars in a one dollar bet

Nate: Yeah you pushed me down and stoled my wallet which only had $2 in it

Ria: I'm dying😂😂😂

Mariah: I can't fucking breathe

Jack: You shouldn't have lost the bet it would have never happened


Sammy: broke ass walking around with $2 in his wallet

Bella: leave that boy alone he was like what 8 or 9💀

Johnson: He was 19😂😂😂

Ria: This is more funnier than when Derek was on meth

Mariah: wait what!!

Jack: what!!

Rupp: whet!!

Ria: ahh that was a good laugh I'm going to bed goodnight people



Bella: You don't need it when you like look your already on it...

Nate: LMAO😂😂😂


Honestly half the stories in this were true besides the one when Jack and Jack finessed Nate 💀 and the meth one DON'T DO DRUGS 


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