Master Plan

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Clear liquid drips from the body bag that the EMTs have placed Jackson in. They close the door to the ambulance, and the EMT tells Melissa that they don't need her help anymore. Melissa asks if she can ride with them and doesn't give the woman time to object.

One of Gerard's hunters opens the door to the basement and throws Stiles down the stairs. When he gets up, he hears whimpering in the darkness and backs up against the wall. He fumbles for the light switch. When he turns it on, he sees Erica and Boyd strung up from the ceiling with their mouths taped shut.

Sheriff Stilinski tells Scott and Isaac that he's going to meet with the ME and see if he can find out what happened to Jackson. He's also got an APB out on Stiles. The Jeep is still in the parking lot, but the Sheriff doesn't know what that means. He tries to keep his emotions under control as he asks the boys to contact him if they hear from Stiles. Scott promises that they'll find him.

Coach Finstock comes over and begs Scott to get his grades up. Finstock says that he yells a lot, but he doesn't hate them. Except for Greenberg.

They wait until everyone is gone, and then Scott rips the door off Stiles's locker. He wanted to get some of Stiles's clothes so he and Isaac could track him by scent. "How come you get a shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac asks. But then suddenly Derek is there, telling Scott they need to talk. He's brought Peter with him. "Holy shhhh--" goes Scott.

Stiles shushes Erica as he tries to untie her. He touches the wires at her wrists and gets electrocuted. The lights in the basement flicker. Gerard comes down the stairs and tells Stiles that the wolves were trying to warn him that the bonds were electrified. Stiles asks him what he's doing with them, and Gerard says they're just holding onto them since they can't torture Derek's location out of them. "Okay. So what are you doing with me?" Stiles asks. "Because Scott can find me, all right? He knows my scent. It's pungent, you know. It's more like a stench. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer covered in fecal matter and urine..." Gerard threatens to beat Stiles to a pulp and then proceeds to demonstrate. He downs Stiles in one hit.

Scott frowns at Derek. "What the hell is this?" Derek replies that he thought the same thing when he saw Scott talking to Gerard at the sheriff station. Scott defends himself by saying that Gerard was going to hurt his mom and he had to get close to Gerard. Peter agrees with Scott. "Have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous." "Shut up," Derek and Scott both say. Isaac asks who Peter is, and Scott explains that Peter tried to kill them all so they set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat. "Good to know," Isaac whispers. Derek explains that Peter can help them save Jackson, but Isaac replies that Jackson is dead. Scott tells them it just happened on the lacrosse field. Everyone looks concerned, and Peter says that if Jackson is dead it's because Gerard wanted him to be, so they need to figure out what his plan is very quickly.

Chris walks in on Gerard and Allison talking. He saw the lights flicker and was concerned. Gerard tells him that it's probably just one of the wolves getting comfortable. Gerard advises Allison to get some sleep because the next 24 hours are going to be eventful. Chris stops Gerard from leaving and asks what happened at the game. "Didn't you hear? We won," Gerard replies, and then leaves. Chris goes to talk to Allison and says he wants her to step aside and let the adults finish it. Allison won't because Derek is responsible for Jackson as well as Kate and her mother. Chris asks her about Scott. She asks when he started caring about Scott, and he says he cares about her. She doesn't believe it. She thinks he should be proud, because she's turned into the person he wanted her to be. Chris disagrees. She's becoming the person Gerard wants. Chris picks up her crossbow and cuts the string.

At the morgue, Melissa McCall approaches the body bag with Jackson's body. She notices the clear goo oozing down the examination table and decides to open up the bag to see what's going on. She psyches herself up and then pulls on the zipper.

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