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Jackson gets a text message during class. He leaves school and heads for somewhere in the warehouse district. The rave is selling tickets, and Matt is there. He asks Jackson if he's there to punch him again, but Jackson is acting under the control of his master and doesn't answer. Matt offers to let him go ahead of him in line.

Scott peers around a corner, keeping an eye on Jackson.

Sheriff Stilinski takes a bite of dinner and makes a face. "Oh what the hell is this?" "Veggie burger!" Stiles chimes. They're having a healthy dinner, and Stiles holds up his salad. The Sheriff opens what he expects to be fries and finds celery and carrots. "Why are you trying to ruin my life?" "I'm trying to extend your life." Stiles asks his dad to tell him what he found, and the Sheriff says he's not sharing confidential information with a teenager. Stiles notices a large case board on the wall behind him and asks if that's it. Stiles takes a closer look, and his dad tells him to avert his eyes. Eventually he relents and tells Stiles that he did find something in common with all three kanima murders. "One's an incident, two's a coincidence--" "Three's a pattern," Stiles finishes.

The mechanic, Sean, and Jessica were all 24. The only one that didn't fit the pattern was Mr. Lahey. The Sheriff thought that might mean it was not connected, or that the ages were a coincidence. But then he found that Isaac had an older brother named Camden. If Camden were alive, he'd be 24, but he died in combat.

Back at the rave ticket booth, Scott asks Matt how much tickets are. They're $75, and then Scott asks to borrow $75. Matt gives him a look like he's an idiot, and Scott goes to the back of the line.

Stiles asks his father if thought of same age meaning same high school class. He hadn't and says that he only got Lahey's file two hours ago. Stiles is incensed. They go with the same class idea and grab Beacon Hills High School yearbooks. They were all class of 2006. The Sheriff suggests that they could have had the same classes together. Then he flips open a file and sees a photo of Mr. Harris and says they could have had the same teacher. He tells Stiles to put faces to everyone who was in Harris's 2006 Chemistry class. If the killer isn't done, then someone in that class could be next.

The camera stops on a photo of Kara Simmons, who is currently selling tickets for the rave. Jackson steps up to the window and holds up one finger to indicate the number of tickets he wants. When she hands him the ticket, he makes sure that their fingers touch. Jackson freaks her out so much with his staring that Kara has her people activate the elevator that they're selling tickets out of.

An EMT lets Chris Argent and Allison into the morgue a little past 7:30pm. Chris reads their toe tags. He was looking for Sean, and he explains to Allison that Gerard said Sean was killed by a shapeshifter that no one has seen for centuries. He tells her it's called a kanima. He then says that Jessica was smothered to death and they think the kanima's master did it. So there are two killers, one human and one not.

Chris says that when he learned about their family, he asked his father, "Why us? He quoted me Winston Churchill. 'The price of greatness is responsibility.'" Allison looks distressed. Chris, however, thinks that it's the truth they know about the world that makes them responsible. Their knowledge gives them the power to defend people who can't defend themselves. Allison responds that she gets that this isn't a lecture but an interrogation.

He tells her that depends on what she knows. They saw the video of the library being destroyed and know that Allison is trying to protect her friends, but what she knows makes her responsible for the people that are dying. He pulls away the sheet on Jessica and tells her that she's responsible for that death.

She asks what he wants her to tell him. "Anything you know. Anything that can lead us to answering the one question that might mean everything. Who controls the kanima?"

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