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By the time Arthur woke up again it was far past midnight, and he wondered what had disturbed his sleep. Well, that was it until he noticed something, or rather the lack of something. Where Merlin should be pressed against his back there was just cold air.

Immediately he turned around and found his manservant curled up in a ball. The idiot wasn't even under the blanket they had been sharing when they had fallen asleep! Cursing softly, he stretched out and grabbed Merlin by his waist, pulling him flush against his chest.

The warlock opened his eyes and they went wide, but after a few moments he seemed to realise what was happening and he shifted closer to him.
"Are you cold?" Arthur whispered against his damp hair. "Not anymore," Merlin shivered in his arms but his answer was cogent enough, so Arthur just pulled the blanket over them and hoped that sharing body heat would keep his manservant warm.

Both of them stayed like that for a while. Arthur didn't want to say anything because he was afraid he would break the spell, but he was pretty aware of his racing heart and he was sure Merlin had to be feeling it too. Eventually Merlin talked again, making Arthur flinch with surprise.

"I was having a nightmare... Glad you ended it" Arthur pulled back a bit to look Merlin in the eyes, and he saw fear written all over his face. "What was it about?" He regreted asking that as soon as he saw the wince that crossed his friend's look. The prince wondered what was the matter with Merlin. What could cause him such pain, what was that dream that didn't let him sleep properly? Because it wasn't the first time, Arthur was sure of it. It hadn't been the first time that he had woken up to silent gasps and sobs.

"You," Merlin said nervously. "It's always about you, you prat. Always you... dying... And I can't save you..." He was starting to tremble again, so Arthur cut him off and stroked his cheeks. In that moment he noticed that Merlin was crying and Arthur's heart broke. He couldn't bear to see him like that. And why did he dream such things? Merlin wasn't the one supposed to protect him here, more likely it was him who had to protect Merlin.

"Gods, I'm so sorry, I - " Arthur started rambling but he lost the thread of his thoughts when he placed a hand on Merlin's forehead. It was bloody hot, and that meant that he had a lot of fever. That wasn't good. "Merlin," it was barely a whisper, but Merlin heard it anyway. How could he not, their faces were just inches apart. "Merlin," he repeated, but this time his voice broke and he choked a sob.

He shut down his eyes so Merlin wouldn't see him cry, but he felt Merlin's weak arms wrapping around his lower back and tugging him closer. Then, Merlin rested his head on his chest and let out a happy sigh. It made Arthur smile despite everything, and he buried his face in Merlin's soft hair.

"Sleep, Merlin. It'll be better in the morning," he assured him, and tried to believe that with all his will. He could tell by the way Merlin was pressed against him that he was still hurting, but with no medicines they couldn't do anything, and if they didn't know what kind of illness it was, which they obviously didn't, then... It was better if Merlin got a few hours of rest.

He stayed awake for a long time, until Merlin's breath evened out and he fell asleep, leaving Arthur with his thoughts and with his aching desires. By the time he closed his eyes and sleep claimed him, the sky was already starting to lighten up.

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