two » speaking silence

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to go out there? Into the maze?" Draco asked, noticing Melanie's gaze. "I haven't been in there since I was a kid."

"Wouldn't we get lost in there?" Melanie asked, looking up at him.

"Nah, that maze isn't as hard as it looks," said Draco. "I probably remember how it is. Even if I don't, it's quite easy."

"Then let's go," said Melanie, taking Draco's hand.

Draco led her downstairs and out into the garden through a back door.

"If we get lost, it's your fault," Melanie said jokingly as they entered the maze.

Draco laughed. His laugh echoed in Melanie's ears, the pleasant sound making her smile.

The pair walked through the maze, hand in hand, hoping they wouldn't get lost.

"Right or left?" Draco asked.

"Right," Melanie replied. Why would the name of the direction be 'right' if it wasn't the right choice, right?

"Imagine if there was a maze at Hogwarts, and we had to go through it everyday to go to breakfast, and classes, and lunch?" Melanie said randomly.

"I probably wouldn't even go to class," Draco replied, like he knew she was going to ask such a question. "And knowing you, you wouldn't either."

Melanie laughed. "I have a hard time dealing with those stairs as it is," she said, as they turned left this time.

"Thank Merlin it's easy to go to my favourite place at Hogwarts," she added, a smile on her face remembering the memories they'd created, making the boathouse her favourite place.

"Which is?" Draco asked, looking at Melanie.

"The boathouse, of course."

Their footsteps slowed down as they came to a dead end. It didn't matter where they were, they were too preoccupied with each other to notice.

"I wonder why..." Draco whispered, even though they both knew he knew the answer.

They stepped closer to each other, almost scared to make the final move.

"I think this is the part where you kiss me," Melanie breathed, earning a laugh from Draco before he kissed her.

The kiss wasn't chaste, not like the ones before. This time it had passion, something more than just an emotional bond. There was something physical, a sort of hunger Draco was feeling as his fingers grazed Melanie's hips.

Melanie felt her breath hitch, her fingers tangled in Draco's hair. It was like she wasn't controlling herself, he was controlling her. With his addicting touch, Melanie didn't need the firewhisky she loved so much. He was giving her courage, he was making her hungry for more. Being drunk on firewhisky was a sensation Melanie thought to be like no other, until she felt how it was to be drunk on Draco.

They pulled away breathlessly, both hungry for more but scared to make the move.

"We should probably try to get out of here," Draco whispered, wrapping his arm around Melanie's waist. "They're probably wondering where we are."

With those simple words, Melanie felt her heart drop. Couldn't they stay longer? Here, in their little escape?

"I guess so," she found herself saying.

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