Chapter seventeen - hang up

Start from the beginning

I was stood outside his apartment now. The lights were out in the living room, and the windows on the second floor were dark too.
In any other circumstance, I would assume Jack was out.

But the front door was left ever so slightly ajar.
Jack has only ever left the door open once, and I was there.

Something was definitely out of place.

And it had Lexi written all over it. 

I steadied my heart, and clenched my fists as I cautiously crept up the stairs to the door.

I placed the palm of my hand against the cool black wood, gently pushing it open.

It swung slowly and silently. And with each inch that it opened, I shivered the fear off my skin and fired my veins with adrenaline.

The hallway was left in the same mess as usual. But the terrible atmosphere of trepidation made this comforting place feel so unfamiliar.

I looked inside the living room first, with Jack's working desk next to the window, his papers still haphazardly coating the table and the space around it. Besides the unfinished, cold cup of coffee on the table, there were no signs of life.

The kitchen was next, but again, no Jack, no Lexi. No one.

It was confusing to say the least. The open door was too obvious for no one to be in the apartment.

The lack of presence in the apartment should have made me relax a little more. But then I realised I still had upstairs to check.

I ascended the stairs. One by one, wincing every time a small creak would interrupt the thick silence.

There were only three rooms upstairs: a store room like cupboard, a bathroom, and Jacks room. I ruled out two, and headed straight for the latter.

The door to his room was firmly shut, no slither of a gap, or lock un-clicked. There could be no sneaking around, or pre panning. Once I turned that door handle, anyone inside that room would know I was coming in.

There was no time for breathing now.

With my heart leaping in my ears, I pressed down on the handle, and pushed my way in.

Suddenly, two hands gripped my shoulders and pushed. The brutal force propelling me backwards. My back cracked against the wall, winding me. I forgot how to breathe.

A snarling face stared me down, so close I could barley make out who it was.
But even with the black spots hazing my vision, I knew exactly who had her arm pinned across my throat.

"So nice of you to join us, Matilda"
She hissed, whilst pressing down her arm even further.

I gasped for air, and she chuckled.

"How pathetic. I forgot how weak you were."

The pressure from my throat was relieved, but I had no chance to recuperate as Lexi pushed me down to the ground.

A kick to the stomach to make sure I stayed down.

Like a fish out of water. Desperately trying, to breathe.
I felt paralysed. Though I wasn't sure, if it was from the pain, of the lack, of oxygen.

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