¹5 : Record

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21 January 2016, 12:54 a.m.


"J-Hope here. Uh, so, I killed someone today. He was my best friend. He seemed depressed so I thought that might help him to find his own peace. I did great, right, Yoongi? Yoongi? *chuckles* Please rest well, thanks for being my savior for all of these years. I hope you can rest well from now on. You don't have to think about other people anymore. Lastly, sorry for surprising you like that. Bye."

1 February 2016, 1:24 a.m.


"Today I murdered 2 people. Both of them are from my class. They're dating, actually. It's a great thing I killed them together, right? Now, they can be together without minding other people. They had suffered enough. People can be so evil sometimes. Maybe, they didn't realize their actions were hurting someone. Not until they experienced it themselves. Soojung, Jongin, rest well. I hope you guys will be together forever."

24 February 2016, 5:34 a.m.


"This week, I killed 10 people. I don't know why, but the feeling of seeing other people's blood gushing out from their bodies excites me. All these times, the one who bleeds in front of people is me. But now, they are the one who turn crimson red in front of me. 13 people died, now I understand why some people are just addicted to murder. Because red makes human hungry, and I'm hungry for blood."

15 March 2016, 3:21 a.m.


"10 people killed. Great job, Hoseok. Keep up with the great job."

29 April 2016, 2:50 a.m.


"Today, I met a kid who is like me. He was watching me killing Namjoon, the smartest kid in class. His name is Taehyung. He said, he can help me achieve my dream. Dream? I threw that away long time ago. But anyway, he said, I should murder 50 people, because no one ever managed to do that. No one managed to get away with 50 murders. I would be the best for once. The best. How I longed for that title. I'm the best. By the way, another 15 killed. You're the best, Jung Hoseok. You're the best, J-Hope."

6 May 2016, 7:18 a.m.


"10 people murdered! Great, now I just need two more victims. Or, do I need only one more? Taehyung seemed like a good person. I think his blood is pretty, no doubt. Added to list of victims! How exciting!"

18 June 2016, 2:35 a.m.


"I decided already. My last victims will be Taehyung and that girl on the internet. She said her name is Chae. Pretty name. Pretty blood too, I guess? But she seemed like a difficult one to kill, but no one had managed to escape from Taehyung's traps, they are all the best! To thank him, I should kill him too, right? But, if he dies alone, he will be lonely. Well, easy then. I will kill myself to accompany him! Brilliant!"

20 June 2016, 10:54 a.m.


"Accidentally killed Chae's friend when she came out of the house. Jen, I guess? Sorry Jen, you're nothing to me. You're not in the plan. Not one of my victims. Sorry, sorry, sorry again."

21 June 2016, 1:23 a.m.


"This will be the day. Wish me luck. Goodbye. To all of my victims, can't wait to meet all of you in the other world. I love all of you! You love me too, right? Of course you love me too, I was the one who helped you guys to escape from this cruel society. Okey then, this will be the last record. Bye!"




the end.

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