⓪³ : Full Chapter

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A boy with brown, short hair looked down as he walked down the corridor. He felt millions of eyes watching him, whispering filthy things about him.

"I heard he killed someone."

"Someone told me that kid is a murderer."

"You can't approach him, that's like digging your own grave voluntarily."

"What's his name again?"

"Hoseok. Jung Hoseok."

Hoseok's eyes dimmed, an evil glint shined in his brown orbs. He smiled innocently at the boy who mentioned his name, enjoying the terrified expression on the poor boy's face. What a pity I can't lay my hands on you. Wonder how pretty your blood is.

Hoseok stopped on his track in front of his locker, expecting a bunch of random things to explode out of the metal thing when he opens it. His hand touched it's handle, preparing himself for whatever the thing will be. Taking a sharp, deep breath, he opened it.

Snakes. Rubber snakes.

He held back the urge to scream, as he felt someone's eyes on him, watching his every action. I can't show my weakness to them, not after what they did to me all of these years.

He ignored the snakes, and took out his books before walking to his class. Students made way for him to walk, as they were afraid of being his victim. His killing victim.

Hoseok didn't know who dared to spread the rumors of him being a murderer, but at least that wasn't a false rumor. He is a murderer. No one knows about his activity, as he locks himself in his room for the most of his days, every day. Not that his family would care. Hoseok wouldn't be surprised if they don't even notice Hoseok died in his own room. That's how much attention they paid to him. Almost nothing. Nonexistent.

His head was hung low as he walked in the noisy classroom. Everyone stopped talking when he stepped in. Quiet. Just how he likes it when he murdered all of those innocent souls. They wanted to be dead anyway, I just helped them to kill themselves.

Hoseok settled himself on his usual place, paying no attention to the kids who were staring at him as if he was an alien from Mars. He just simply didn't have the time to care. He had enough. He thought, when the rumor of him being a murderer broke out, the bullying would cease out. But oh boy, what he thought was wrong.

The bullying kept going on, worse than usual. Every day, he goes home with a completely bruised body. Not even make up can cover it up.

But Hoseok didn't care, his family didn't care. They will just say, "Go upstairs, study. No need to go down later, no food for you."

That's how his days go on. Being bullied, picked on. Love? He was really sure that thing was just a myth. No thing called love existed in his life. It was just filled with empty feelings, blood, bruises, screams, agony. He felt like dying. He wanted to end his life. With his own hands.

But at that exact moment, he realized. Why kill yourself when you can just kill others? Why torture yourself when you can just torture others?

There's no such thing as kindness in Hoseok's world. He was kind, cheerful. But that was the past. That was before everyone wrecked him. Now, he is a monster himself.

Hoseok's day was dull, listening to the teacher blabbering, but never really paid attention to what they were saying. Hoseok just kept thinking about his life, his plan. He can't wait to meet his next victim, and make them feel how he was tortured all those times. He was excited.

After what seemed like forever, the recess bell rang. Everyone were waiting for this moment. But not Hoseok.

He tried to slip outside, and went into the male toilet to escape from being seen by those bullies.

But luck wasn't on his side that day.

"Well, well. Who we have here? Mister Murderer!" Laughter erupted in the empty, dirty toilet, hurting Hoseok's eardrums.

"Now what are you going to do? Murder us?" A boy with piercings all over his earlobes asked, his eyes shining with pure joy. He found joy in torturing people, just like me.

Hoseok looked at the floor, already prepared himself for what to come. He was already used to all of this. Used to all of the beatings. In his mind, the bullies were more evil than him, as they keep the torture going on for years. But him? He shoots his victim down, ending their life in a matter of seconds. It isn't that bad when you wanted to die anyway, I helped those kids. I'm not a murderer.

Hoseok closed his eyes shut as a deafening silence followed by, his body started to explode in pain as the bullies kicked and punched him, everywhere. His stomach. His legs. Everywhere on his body.

What did I do wrong?

What is their problem with me?

What did I do to deserve all of this?

Hoseok's questions were left unanswered as the bell rang, and he was left alone on the cold toilet floor. It was like deja vu. Every day he would find himself laying in the floor of the male toilet, blood gushing out of him. But every day, no one ever cared enough to help him.

After all, no one will care enough to help a murderer who murders people because of his own pain.

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