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Helen made her way inside of their home, seeing Gabe almost immediately lounging on the couch. "Hey babe, where? Philip?" Gabe looked up from his book and smiled. "In his room, how was your day?" She shoved her phone in her back pocket and cleared her throat. "It was fine, I'm gonna go see what he wants for dinner." Helen made her way down the hallway to Philip room and entered to see him sleeping on his bed, she smiled slightly at her foster son and walked over to the bed. She shook his shoulder. "Philip, wake up." Philip didn't move. Helen pushed her eyebrows together in confusion and tried shaking him again. He still didn't move. It wasn't until she looked next to him and saw the empty pill bottle that she realized what was going on. Philip had tried to kill himself. "Gabe! Call 911 now!" She yelled, holding back tears. Gabe rushed in the room with his phone in hand, the number already dialed. "What happened?" He asked, staring at Philips lifeless body. "Philip overdosed he isn't waking up. Fucking forget the ambulance we're taking him to the hospital, help me pick him up." They lifted Philip and brought him out of his room, Helen silently praying that he would be okay. They took him down to Helens sheriff van and Gabe got in the back with Philip to make sure he was still breathing. Helen got in the drivers seat and turned on the police lights so she could get him to the hospital as fast as possible. Helen was in tears, speeding all the way to the hospital. She didn't even park when they got there, she pulled up to the entrance and allowed Gabe to get out with Philip. She just wanted him to be safe.

By the time they had Philip in a stable condition, he'd had a seizure and he'd stopped breathing three times. It was three days before he regained consciousness. He was in a private room with Helen next to his bed, holding his hand and staring up at him. "I'm gonna get him some water, for when he wakes up." Helen just nodded as her husband left the room and shut the door behind him. "God, Philip. What are we gonna do with you?" She brushed some hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. As she leaned away from him, she noticed his eyes were open and he was looking at her. "Why didn't you just let me die?" She shook her head. "Philip, it might not be biological but as far as I'm concerned, you are my son and I would never let you do that to yourself." Philip tightened his grip on Helens hand. "Why did you do it?" She asked him, he looked away, unable to make eye contact while he told her. "Everyone I love and trust just, leaves me and hurts me." Helen shook her head. "What do you mean, talk to me so I can help you." Philip looked back at her and sighed. "I had a thing with Lukas Waldenbeck, I love him and I thought it was real and that he cared but his friend told me that he was just using me for a prank. They wanted to see if I was actually gay or not." Just as Philip finished his sentence, before Helen had a chance to say anything or even react, the door opened, Gabe entered. Lukas was behind him.

"Philip." He said with concern clouding his voice. He walked up beside him and pressed a small kiss to his forehead. "I got over here as soon as I heard what was going on. I love you Philip, so much." He said, not caring that Helen and Gabe were watching. "You lied to me, Lukas."

That was when Philip broke Lukas' heart

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