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They were sat around the dinner table in an awkward silence, Philips head was lowered and focused on his dinner that he didn't want to eat just so he could avoid looking at Helen and Gabe, the former who was starring daggers into his scalp from across the table.

"Philip, we need to talk about this, something is going on with you that's causing you to act out and we want to be here for you and help you through it." Philip looked up at her and saw her soft eyes looking to him and expecting an answer. He froze, there was no way in hell he would tell her.
"Its nothing, just let it go." Helen shook her head and slammed her hands on the table.
"Hey, calm down there is no need for this." Gabe intervened and tried to stop his wife but she wasn't having any of it.
"No Gabe! I'm trying my hardest to be a mother to this kid and give him the type of home he deserves and we don't know anything about him because he doesn't talk to us, we don't even know why he's in the system to begin with!" Helen was starting to shout, and Philip hated that.

It had gone on for at least 20 minutes and Philip was just sitting in his chair shaking at the thought of them sending him away and him ending up either without a family or in one that hurts him. He knew he fucked up with them, he just didn't want to hear about his mistakes.
"Helen he is your teenage son, of course he's going to have secrets, every teen does and what you need to do is stop interrogating him! He's our foster son not a suspect!" Gabe shouted back, frustrating Helen even more.
"I know that Gabe and I'm trying here but I can't do everything by myself! I need you to help me!'" She turned to Philip.
"Philip, I care about you, I really do but you need to tell us whats wrong." Philip stood up to leave and shook his head.
"It's nothing, This is ridiculous." He mumbled and started to walk away when Helen put her head in her hands and sighed. Philip couldn't do anything but sit and think she hated him. She didn't hate him.
"Philip tell us what the hell is the matter!" She yelled at him, tears started to drip down his cheeks as he decided to bullshit his way out of the situation. Lying was always the key to Philip, it's the only thing that kept him out of trouble.
"I-I'm gay, that's it. I'm gay." The boy easily pulled off the lie, it's not that he wasn't gay but that was sure as hell not the problem with him. Gabe was the first to get up and hug him and Helen followed, pulling Philip tightly to her. "We love you Philip, no matter what we love you." Gabe said to him as they held him close.

That was before everything changed.

Blaze | Philkasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن