Chapter 10

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So am gonna dedicate this chapter to my friend STRONGBEE


After my shift in the library I decided to call Sara .

I dialed her number .

"Where were you? Why didn't you called me earlier" Sara started her usual sisterly scolding.

"Well, I miss you too sissyy" I replied in my sweet voice.

"Emily Mary Jacob ,don't you dare to play dumb with me" Sara said no shouted to the phone.

"Calm down lady, you have my niece inside you. And yes I was little bit busy" . I know I should tell her about my job .

But considering it's my sis ,I am sure she is going to explode at me.

"Busy???? Emily what are you up to?" She asked me.

Oops ..time to change the topic.

"Sara ,mom told me to call you and why is that?" I asked hoping that she changes the topic.

There was a minute of silence in the line.

"Sara, are you there?" I asked her.

"Em, we are coming to America next week. Me and James" she said me.

James is my sister's husband. Technically my brother . For him and Dad am a little baby. And they are way over protective of me.

Once James saw a boy flirting with me. I don't want to imagine the condition of the boy after my brother 'talked ' to him.

But Sara is pregnant ,and she can't risk her health.

"But Sara you can't travel this long". Now am concerned about her.

"No need to worry. We discussed it with our family doctor, he said there is no problem" she replied me.

"And may I ask why are you coming to America?" I questioned her.

"Dad and James decided to extend our business to there , ummm...and we can visit you also". She whispered to me.

"Oh my god ,I can't wait to see you. Am so happy right now." I said in a chirpy voice.

"You are???" She asked with doubt in her voice.

"Of course Sara, you will be here for a few days. We can spend a lot of time together. There are beautiful parks here, and-


"We can go for picnic. We can go to shopping, I swear I won't complain about it this time_


" we can go and eat as much chocolate we want, am sooo excited"
I stopped my planning to take a breath to my lungs.

"You finished with rambling? Now can I tell you something". Even though it is a question, it doesn't sound like one.

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