"You really like him don't you? I've never seen you get this happy with any guy. Well any guy i've tried to set you up with."

"I really do Nancy, he just makes me feel so secure so happy, and he makes me feel beautiful."

"Then hold onto him, those kind only come once in a blue moon. Don't question anything, just go with what makes you happy and enjoy the moments as long as they last. Because these are the times when you'll get about my age and look back and remember, and no matter what happens in life or what happens between you and Jay, you always got the memories that will warm you up and make you smile."

Her hand reaches across the table and grabs mine all in which she gives me a warm smile and a motherly nod. Shes the woman I have to thank for the wise wisdom and getting me through the nights when I didn't think I could live any longer without my parents.

"Hey Nanc, do you remember that time when it was snowing and we took your car but it broke down so we rode in the horse carriage and drank hot choclate." I smiled at the amazing memory, we laughed so hard that night Nancy's hot choclate came out of her nose and she complanined for an hour that her favorite shirt was now stained and her nose was burning.

"Yes I never could get those stains out, it was my favorite white shirt!"

See I told you she still can't get over it, and that was last year!

"It was a great memory though, I'd have to admit." She smiles down at me.

"Yea or how about the time where you convinced me to get a dog and you brought me home a little rat dog, that thing never shut up."

"Hey Coco was a great dog." She snaps back.

"Yea until my landlord found out and I almost got kicked out because of it."

"I wonder where Coco is these days."

"Beats me, hopefully some hyper teenage girl got her. She needed a hyper person to match her personality!"

"That is sooo true. So when do you hang out with Jay again?"

"I think either tomorrow night or Saturday."

"Why not tonight?"

"Because I dont want to be one of those clingy couples, I still like being alone on some days. Its good for us."

"I guess you're right, but I'm just saying if I were you I wouldnt be able to keep my hands off of him!" She gives me a wink as my face twist in disgust.

"Ok that was an image I could have gone all my life with out picturing."

"Ohh lighten up." She punches me in the shoulder lightly. Yes even at her age she still punches, and pretty hard might I add.

"There is seriously something wrong with you." I laugh as I pick at the leftover fries on my plate.

"Well yea, I mean look i'm hanging out with you."

"Hey watch it, your life would be so dull without me and you'd end up like one of those old ladies who cheat at bingo." I laugh as I throw a fry at her face.

"Honey, I am one of those ladies at bingo."

"Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack."

"Actually I could see it."

"See I already look the part, might as well continue with it."

"True but I -"

I hear footsteps coming through the backdoor to see Jay coming in my view. I immediatly stand to my feet, butterflies erupting like bursting lave and a smile so big it hurts my face. Yet as I see his face, his eyes are red and he looks distraught.

"Whats the matter Jay?"

He takes a long deep breathe, avoiding eye contact before he lets out what I have been dreading.

"Shaylee I'm getting departed, and I leave tomorrow."

In one sentence I feel my world stop and crumble.

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