Chapter 1| Virgin's Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

The Virgin's Sacrifice.

I slowly started walking towards my home, my family would be waiting for me to get there. I was still at a young age and the fear of getting chosen still haunted me. I shivered at the thought and started walking faster. The sun was slowly disappearing and the path was becoming darker, the streets were empty and everyone was locked inside their houses. No one was allowed to be outside after this hour, especially today.

My home appeared into view and I started running, trying to get there faster. The light showing through the windows told me that they weren't sleeping, they were waiting for me. My mother's silhouette approached the window and she stared outside. She immediately recognised me and opened the door for me to get inside.

“Thank God, you're here.” She exclaimed as I stepped inside. I looked at her face and immediately felt extremely guilty, even though I probably shouldn't. It wasn't my fault that this was happening, but I was the reason for her sorrow. I was their only daughter and now there was a slight chance that they would lose me. I gave her a hug, wrapping my arms around her fragile body.

“Mother, everything is going to be fine.” I tried to reassure her, but I knew that I was mostly trying to reassure myself. Because as much as I tried to deny it, the truth was that I was frightened.

I pulled away and looked into her grey eyes, which resembled mine. She smiled at me weakly, the wrinkles forming around her mouth gave away just how tired she was. Her face was pale, she dark circles under her eyes due to lack of sleep and she had lost a lot of the weight the last two weeks due to the illness she passed. She was already in a bad physical condition and now she had also to worry about me.

I threw my bag on the floor and took off my boots before following her to the living room where the fireplace was warming the room. My father had fallen asleep on the armchair as he waited for me and was snoring lightly. I took the blanket that had fallen on the floor and covered him with it before placing a small kiss on his forehead.

“Is my dress ready?” I asked my mother, rubbing my hands together as I tried to warm them up a bit.

“Yes, everything is in your room. Megan will be here soon.” She informed me.

“Then I should probably go get ready.” I told her. She walked to the kitchen and I went to my room, saying nothing more to her.

Entering my bedroom the image of my dress welcomed me. The dim light coming from the lamp on the counter gave me a good view of it. As tradition said my mother had made the dress herself, that's how it was supposed to be. Mother's dressed their innocent daughter's for the King of the undead, the monster of the darkness.

I took a few steps towards the bed and took the silky material in my hands, feeling it with my fingers. Such a beautiful dress for this dreadful occasion. I clenched my jaw, refusing to let myself cry. I had to be strong for my family and think positively.

“It is tradition.” I reminded myself.

I reached around to my back and unzipped my dress several inches. I shrugged the wrap dress, and it fell to my waist. The cool air of the room hit my exposed body and caused goosebumps to appear on the surface of my skin. I pulled it all the way down to my feet with my hands and stepped out of it before taking the one that was waiting for me on the bed. The material of this one was thin and almost transparent, but despite my unwillingness to wear it I knew that I had no choice but to do it, so without thinking it anymore I pulled it over my head.

It fell down just above my knees, leaving my legs unprotected from the harsh weather. It had a heart-shaped neckline with a small ribbon between my breasts and the sleeves were with lace. My shoulders and collarbones were exposed and I felt slightly uncomfortable as I turned around to look at myself in the mirror.

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